8 channel preamp


Sep 28, 2003

I need a 8 channel mid-level preamp. It´s for recording drums.

I was thinking about the rme octamic ( the cheapest ) , the presonus digimax lt (already has adat feature ) or the focusrite octopre.

How do they compare ?

Do i have other options ?

thankx in advance
If you're looking for an 8 channel that sounds *great* on drums, check out the True Systems Precision 8. Not Cheap: but it'll be worth it in the long run.
_RiseInside_ said:

I need a 8 channel mid-level preamp. It´s for recording drums.

I was thinking about the rme octamic ( the cheapest ) , the presonus digimax lt (already has adat feature ) or the focusrite octamic.

How do they compare ?

Do i have other options ?

thankx in advance
hey there. i just went through this literally last week. i ended up going with the digimax lt. all the options are good though. the octapre from focusrite was real nice but you have to buy the adat card seperatly which add 200 bucks. also if you dont need the limiters on the way in then the presonus digimax lt is also good for the money. you can get em cheap(new) on ebay. there are all kinds of deals ive seen 799.00 with a free at4040 which is a 300.00dollar mic for free. i actually scored mine for 599.00. also focusrite has the octapre le(no compressors or limiters) coming out soon for 599.00 plus 200.00 for the adat card. i would go up from the m-audio either way. good luck man.
i just used a Focusrite Octapre to record Chimaira drummer Kevin Talley at Chimaira's rehearsal space for the second album of the Atlanta band DAATH on which he was guesting for 2 tracks. we got quite qood results. 8 mics in - one Adat Lighpipe out carrying all 8 signals to the Lightpipe In of my 828mk2.. leaving me 10 analog Ins on the 828.. very cool. i'm not too sure about the compressors on the Octapre... they don't give you much control, and i just didn't use them at all.

I´ve just been checking the octopre LE. For 555 € i think there´s no better deal. Are the 8 preamps the same as in the "normal" octopre ? I also think i don´t have to buy the ad/da right ? I can use it the "analog way"

james: chimaira sure have a nice spot :) :) :)
MR NINE said:
What's the amount you can spend?

well i want something good, not great. I can go up to 1500 € if it has to though i would prefer not to go over 1000 €. Well i´m checking the sytek 4 channel mic pre-amp. Some friends of mine ordered it directly from the us and they are stunned with its sound quality. maybe i´ll order one too. It goes for 650 € ( without customs tax, naturally )

portuguese mode on

o ppl começa a falar de marcas que só se vendem na california e nós tugas ficamos na mesma :) moramos no cú do mundo em termos de distribuição de equipamento
portuguese mode on

o ppl começa a falar de marcas que só se vendem na california e nós tugas ficamos na mesma :) moramos no cú do mundo em termos de distribuição de equipamento[/QUOTE]
:grin: :grin: :grin:

Boa Rise! Curti tótil!!!
_RiseInside_ said:
I´ve just been checking the octopre LE. For 555 € i think there´s no better deal. Are the 8 preamps the same as in the "normal" octopre ? I also think i don´t have to buy the ad/da right ? I can use it the "analog way"

james: chimaira sure have a nice spot :) :) :)
hey man. use still have to buy the adat card with the octapre le so it still ends up being 800.00us for the whole thing. if you can afford it i would definetly check out the full octapre with adat card 999.00usd. its probably the best for the money. im sure at that price range you cant do much better than focusrite platinum preamps which are in the octapre. plus it has the limiters/compressors and analog outs. good luck.
t-rave said:

How is that presonus eureka? I was thinking about getting one for vocals.
Did you use the compressor for the drum tracks?
it's another inexpensive unit that is good for the money you put out... i used it on the snare and did not use the compressor.... Kevin was pretty consistant. i've used it for vocals and it's fine... the compressor is usable for vocal tracking as well.. something i can't say for some high-end units.. for instance, the Avalon 737... the compressor on that is just too slow.
thanks. It must be nice to work with drummers that can hit consistent like that!

When you do compress the drums do you do it on the way in or after the fact( or both)...I have always used a peak limiter on the snare to avoid redlining the track.
Ive been looking at the Octopre, the Octopre LE and even considering buying 2x Tlaudio 5001 quad preamps. Ive found some pretty good deals on the Octopre and the LE. Seeing as Im using a MOTU 24i/o its looking like the LE or the TLAs that ill end up buying
well i think i´ve made up my mind. I already have 4 class A preamps in the Fireface . I can buy the sytek 4 channel mic pre-amp ( they even put two channel with Burr-Brown op amps , for free ). So i end up with 8 preamps. Then i might go with a top preamp for doing most of the tracking like a Amek pure path dual channel in a box. The total makes 10 preamps for my small studio.
James Murphy said:
i just used a Focusrite Octapre to record Chimaira drummer Kevin Talley at Chimaira's rehearsal space for the second album of the Atlanta band DAATH on which he was guesting for 2 tracks. we got quite qood results. 8 mics in - one Adat Lighpipe out carrying all 8 signals to the Lightpipe In of my 828mk2.. leaving me 10 analog Ins on the 828.. very cool. i'm not too sure about the compressors on the Octapre... they don't give you much control, and i just didn't use them at all.


Thats a really fucking sweet setup, someone should airbrush the slipknot logo out tho. :)