8 string 27 inch scale length


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
What do you guys think of having a 27 inch scale length for an 8 string tuned a half step down or having it a half step down with the low string tuned another step (drop Eb tuning). I am thinking about getting the Tosin Abasi TAM10 and it comes stock in drop E. Ideally I would have liked it to be 28 inches but do you think 27 will be enough? I do like to bend so there are advantages to having a shorter length but I hope it can hold the tuning alright.
27 is more than enough. I've used the 2228s and the RGA8s both of which are 27" down a half-step.
Just get an appropriate string gauge and you'll be set.

I honestly think there isn't much of a difference in an extra inch (insert that's what she said joke) on the neck.
Have a 27" scale Agile and had no problems dropping it down a whole step. Might want to use heavier gauge strings though.
It depends, so try it first if you can. I used to have an RG2228 and found the scale length too short for my taste. My reason was that I don't like the tone of very thick strings, and the 27" scale required for me to use a heavy gauge or I would pick the low string out of tune. So for me personally, it was a compromise between floppy and muddy that I wasn't quite happy with. That said, I used to be even more anal about guitar stuff back when I owned the RG than I am now.

After selling the RG I got a custom 8 that has a fan, with a 29" or 30" scale for the lowest string. I tune to drop E regularly, and it sounds very clear on it. I've currently got a DR 010-075 set on it IIRC and the tension is perfectly fine too. And this also being said, if fanned frets aren't a possibility - I guess they probably aren't -, I think the 27" scale is a good compromise towards the tonality of the higher strings on an 8, and 28" towards the lower. I've played our band's other guitarist's 28" scale 8-string a bit and the high E sounds a bit bleh on it (I feel like describing it banjo-y for some reason), but the low F# is completely fine. So maybe think about which string's tone is less important to you.