8 strings and real drums.........help


Aug 21, 2010
Portland, OR
I'm having a really hard time finding a spot for the guitars. it is guitar driven but it seems like they are to in your face. Also, i had to track the drums on a fp10 due to the number of inputs needed, so the drums have been a battle. I will put any more info up if needed.

Tell me what sucks so i can fix it

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the guitars have too much lower mids, i suggest trying a different impulse response. at least, the guitars don't sound authentic to me. if its real, you could try to carve away 400-800 hz. also, overall, the relative sounds of your instruments don't blend. try a different snare, or implement a sample if you haven't. try a multi sample kick too. turn down the cymbals and turn the guitar up once you get that crap carved away. then you could boost a tiny TINY bit on guitars around 2000-5000 khz, just enough to bring the guitars in focus over the mix/ blend nicely with your overheads - it will also take the dullness away and give it a LITTLE edge. and one last thing, pan the overheads around 60 left and 60 right - note - you'll go too far when you notice the guitars start to sound out of place. all minor things, just a matter of blending for a unified mix. when working with eq, make sure you work your q to fins the best spot and only boost/subtract a few db at a time. you can nail it.
last yhing lol. try a high shelf around 4.5 khz on your snare and boost around 4 -6 db, it will add a nice crisp stick sound, also lowpass it around 12 khz. peace
The overheads are 100 L 100R i used the Rode nt4. All guitars are AXEfx not my unit. The natural snare really jumps out of the overheads i just tried a sample that helped with the higher mid. How is the polished soft overhead sound achieved??? The overheads are still harsh.

thank you, ill get at it.
No no no. top end on guitar on recordings doesn't need boosted. The thing is with this mix is the low mid junk on the guitars. Get rid of it. Also one thing that can cripple your high end on guitar are the over heads. Cymbals will mask them. Thats why I say pan them in that far because 1) it creates a better stereo image(imo) and 2) it restores the guitars high end/ you can then turn the OH down making them less harsh relative to the mix
brought the over heads down and worked on the toms and guitars.

After hearing it the tom need to be tamed.

let me know what you think.
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