80's power/NWOBHM band Im recording. Live drums lol no click YOLO


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I'm recording a band's demo that wanted a more raw old school maiden-ish analog sound. It's definitely been a challenge, especially in the bass guitar and drum area! We felt that it would suit the style better to record without a click track. It didn't come out too bad considering. There's like 5 seconds of silence in the beginning of the track and some editing/trimming/ levels need to be done (whoops sorry!)

If you have any advice or suggestions on the mix as a whole though let me know! This has been a tough one for me.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/48100488/Other Stuff/In the Night 8.12.mp3
Sounds pretty good, has a Maiden feel to it. Whats the name of the band? I am from the Rochester area myself.
They are a new band called Magick.
Guys other bands were Finisher, Exit Existence, Neotheist.
If you dig it they are playing their first show at Monty's Krown bar in a few weeks.
definitely a good 80s sound. drums sound buried to me. also, sounds like vox are really panned out wide. efx? not sure it's doin' the song any favors..
Everything but the drums sounds poorly tracked to me, although the mix is really weird so it might just be that.
Drums gotta come up, bro. Maybe only like .2dB, but at least some (maybe just the overheads? The kick is fine where it's at, that's juuust high enough, but it seems like everything else needs to come up. Overheads were a bit more prominent back in the day.). And I'm more familiar with AND partial to the Powerslave era, where the bass would be brought up even .4-.5dB from where it's at. Sounding killer though! I LOVE live drums! Vocals are great, but the extreme panning on them should be reserved for the chorus imo (taken out of the verses, but you could get away with leaving them everywhere else). Otherwise, I wanna hear more from this band!
Except that the drums should be more in-front of the mix it sounds great!

Guitar tracking information?
Thanks for the input guys! I know what the problem with the vocals is, I was using a doubler plugin that widened/eq'd them too much.

As far as the tracking goes, everything for the most part was done in one entire take. The guitarists are sloppy but honestly it fits the style. The hardest part for me is NOT making it sound super polished and have that modern metal production.

I'll work on the levels and post an update soon.
You can definitely hear the maiden influence Good Sound man Thanks for the Share :)

I don't get why the vocal FX...like, at all. I don't think I heared that ever on any maiden record?
it still needs to be a bit tighter imo
other than that it's not bad. nice song too!
Maiden inspired, Mago :p

New levels are much better! The drums are finally where they need to be! If you have a bottom snare mic, turn it up a bit, and turn the top down some. It'll add some oldschool vibe to it. Just a suggestion there ;)
Took a little time out with your Track lowberg had to remember the 80's mastering processing
Great job there brother :) a walk down memory lane.

Cant wait to hear the completed Demo's:)

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