94.7 Vote


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2004
I'd like to make a suggestion, and please don't bite my head off here...
Sanctuary Records has 2 bands in this vote and we have been holding the #1 and #2 spots for quite awhile! That is great! Here's my plea: Tesla is releasing their 1st studio CD in 10 years on March 9th and it would be nice for them to be #1 in the vote leading up to the release date which would be this week. As a bonus, it would create a re-match the following week for Anthrax. Being #1 week after week is great until listeners stop listening. A battle could create interest.
Just a plea. Talk it over among yourselves. I will go to hell now if that's what you are thinking.

Really though, give it some thought.

Thanks, Mike S.R.
When I notice that Anthrax gets a shitload of promotion, and I mean a SHITLOAD, I might consider Tesla gets the #1 spot once... ONCE!
Until then, Anthrax shall win...
Mr. Speaker, I shall cross party lines on this issue and agree with the gentleman from Colorado on this crucial issue. Anthrax is getting shit for promotion and it is up to us, the hardcore fans, to do what we can to get Anthrax's name out there. After next Friday, "22 weeks at #1" will sound A HELL OF A LOT BETTER than "21 weeks at #1 and then we ceded to Tesla." While I have nothing against Tesla, I remind you of Thomas Jefferson's warning against entangling alliances in his first innagural address.

Today I rise to introduce H.R. 666.442.604, the "Anthrax kicks everyone's ass" act, which states clearly Congress' support for Anthrax winning every week at the Zone. I urge my collegues to join me in this matter of crucual imporotance.

No one can close a one-minute speech better than this: "Mr. Speaker, I yield back the fact that mad-cow disease is not a name for a rock group." - Congressman James Traficant (D-OH), June 7, 2001
jdelpi said:
I yield the floor to the gentleman from Illinois (ragamuffin).

Thank you sir.

I would like to tack on a rider to the aformentioned H.R. 666.442.604 that would forever state that Tesla, infact, sucks. But would still allow us (the good people of the Anthrax nation) to support them in a voting mannor in the near future should, as the gentlemen from and Ohio and Colorado, Mr. JDelpi and Mr. Thra:rofl:ude respectivley, alluded to; they, their fans and the label rally a similar form of support around the nation of Thraxdom. Or at the very least pledge their support further down the line if so called upon to do so.

Mr. Speaker.
Tesla is a cool band but nowhere near Anthrax. I say 'piss off' politely.
Ragamuffin said:
Thank you sir.

I would like to tack on a rider to the aformentioned H.R. 666.442.604 that would forever state that Tesla, infact, sucks. But would still allow us (the good people of the Anthrax nation) to support them in a voting mannor in the near future should, as the gentlemen from and Ohio and Colorado, Mr. JDelpi and Mr. Thra:rofl:ude respectivley, alluded to; they, their fans and the label rally a similar form of support around the nation of Thraxdom. Or at the very least pledge their support further down the line if so called upon to do so.

Mr. Speaker.
I will support the aforementioned rider to H.R. 666.442.604 only if Mr. Ragamuffin supports my rider to build a museum to Britney in my district. Oh wait, am I allowed to say that here? :erk:
So, NFMB members. What do YOU think? Do you think that Sanctuary Records has promoted the band well?
How often do the rest of you hear Anthrax on the radio?
Myself; I've heard Anthrax on the radio ONCE in the last decade.

Someone has to promote Anthrax... (see signature)

Now excuse me while I go vote for ANTHRAX a few thousand times...
Well, I have heard Safe Home many times on the radio station here in town. However, that is just because of the station, NOT because of promotion from Sanctuary. We know that the label is not promoting this album to stations. We all learned that from The Number One Station In Eastern Iowa. Mr. Bigshot told us that the label wasn't pushing it then, they weren't pushing it when it came out. Anthrax was a dead band, and if the label didn't care, why should he.

Tesla was a dead band. They went their seperate ways for a number of years, yet they get promotion from their label when they return. Anthrax, who has had some shitty record deals that made it very difficult for people to find their albums, kept making music. They didn't go anywhere. Yet when they get to a label like Sanctuary, and put out such an ass-kicking album like We've Come For You All, they don't get much of a push. In Sanctuary's defense, they did run a commercial for the new album during Headbangers' Ball on MTV2, but I only saw it a few times. Hell, Victory Records is promoting the new Atreyu disc much more than Sanctuary promoted WCFYA.

I like Tesla, but I wish Anthrax would get the love they deserve from their labels and maybe the public would realize what a great album is sitting there under their noses. Until then, I'm gonna vote for Anthrax.


NP: Anthrax - Boulder, CO. 1-31-2000
Volume 8 (initial release) had more promotion. Sanctuary doesn't even do a good job of stocking stores with WCFYA. You can find more from bands that don't sell as much as Anthrax in stores than Anthrax. Iced Earth, for example. (comparing initial release times of each bands)
You street teamers have done WAY more promotion for Anthrax than Sanctuary has!
I love you guys.
Now vote for Soil and Lo Pro! BOYCOTT TESLA!
Vote once
Vote twice
Vote thrice
Vote 4 times
Vote 5 times
Vote 6 times
Great job, everyone who's been voting against Tesla! (You know who you are!)
Maybe we can get more bands ahead of Tesla?