A/B vs. X/Y

egan. said:
It seems silly to call people short sited for not being able to predict the internet revolution (and subsequent MP3 revolution) in the 70's when Phillips developed the Laserdisc or 1982 when the first CD's reached the marketplace. Just think about all of the insane technology changes since then.

Actually, the internet has been around for ages. When the Cd came out, it was stressed that the music all winds up as 1's and 0's. At that same time, Moore's law was in full swing. Also at that time, it was stressed over and over and over that personal computers were going to revolutionize our lives. Guess what? They did. It's not silly to call record execs short sighted. Or greedy.
They convinced people to re-purchase their record collections. Now it's biting them in the ass. There's some karma for you. I stand by what I said.
OzNimbus said:
Actually, the internet has been around for ages. When the Cd came out, it was stressed that the music all winds up as 1's and 0's. At that same time, Moore's law was in full swing. Also at that time, it was stressed over and over and over that personal computers were going to revolutionize our lives. Guess what? They did. It's not silly to call record execs short sighted. Or greedy.
They convinced people to re-purchase their record collections. Now it's biting them in the ass. There's some karma for you. I stand by what I said.
Hey Oz, I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I also have no love for the general biz operations of major labels and certainly there is no disputing the greed.
But, what your implying is that there is some inhearent wrong in introducing a new medium and rereleasing old stuff on a new format. Does anyone get mad about DVD's replacing VHS? If you think that vinyl is superior that's cool but I don't think it's the same arguement.
I think what he's getting at is that they decided to not research or think ahead about the CD. Because it is that of a digital medium, you can rip it and such. They didn't think ahead and prepare for it with whatever way they needed to...so with all their money goo goo greedy eyes speaking louder than thinking a few more steps ahead, they kind of screwed themselves.
Andy Sneap said:
just mixing kreator in 5.1 right now
Ok, I request to be un-stupidified by the 5.1 mix topic. :)

What appeals to you with regards to 5.1 for music? Movies, I understand... but music?

I've heard 5.1 Music Dvd mixes, and while it's cool to hear music 'all around me', there never really was that wow im actually there feeling.

Ideally, one is trying to achieve with 5.1, making a performance sound like what it would be (if Kreator, for example) were playing live right in front of you. Correct?

What should one really expect out of a 5.1 mix?

Man, my brain hurts.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
I think what he's getting at is that they decided to not research or think ahead about the CD. Because it is that of a digital medium, you can rip it and such. They didn't think ahead and prepare for it with whatever way they needed to...so with all their money goo goo greedy eyes speaking louder than thinking a few more steps ahead, they kind of screwed themselves.

What he said....

They were too busy stuffing thier wallets to notice that they no longer had a stranglehold on things. ...and the hilarious thing is the majors have fought every single technological advancement that helps the consumer. Portable Mp3 players, Online Mp3 stores, file sharing, you name it. Suing 12 year old kids is not very good P.R.

Technology wise, I dig CD's. Vynil is cool, but I don't prefer it over Cd... sorry if I left that impression. My point was that record companies made a shitload of money when people upgraded thier collections to digital. This won't happen again no matter what the labels come up with. No matter how good the format is. Because the fact that you can hold your entire record collection in the palm of your hand is infinitley more appealing.

ThatGuitarGuy said:
It's like everything else, you have to have a good system to hear the bass...for CD or a Vinyl.

I challenge you to listen to a CD on Vinyl back to back not for an arguement, but merely for your own education. It's quite interesting if I do say myself.

Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about who you're talking to.

My "good system" would be some of the best recording studios in the world. I also have vast experience with DJ's (let's see...Shadow, Babu, DJ Quick, Battlecat, Julio G., Uncle Kracker...ever heard of those guys?) and vinyl lp's.

And as far as my "own education", let me educate you for a minute....

It is (at least was) physically impossible to print ultra-low frequencies on vinyl, because the lathe can't handle them and skips during the tracking (vinyl pressing tracking, not recording tracking) process. Anywhere from 100Hz down to 60Hz is commonly "rolled off" to prevent these tracking errors. Maybe (?) some of the new pressing equipment can handle some of those freqs, but does that really matter anymore? Cd's are 20hz-20khz.

Like I said, vinyl sounds cool...but not "good". At least not in my book.