A big hello to everyone from Sweden!!


Sep 12, 2001
Just wanted to say hi to everyone and inform those who might care that I am back on the net on almost everyday basis so... I dunno...

Besides that I am already in love with Sweden... Yup, I just moved here... :) So greetings from the lovely Stockholm to Tee, Metalized, NoLordy, Trapped, Ledmag, WD and the guys and all that I just can't name as the list would be very very long...

Thank you, good night! - and so she jumped off stage.... :grin:
Yup, a big hello to you also, Dead6skin6mask6!! :)

NoLordy, if you move here, we can go and drink some awful Swedish beer together, what do you say? :grin: Maybe in that 8-10 years I'll get used to the taste of it...
Originally posted by Neverlady
Just wanted to say hi to everyone and inform those who might care that I am back on the net on almost everyday basis so... I dunno...

Besides that I am already in love with Sweden... Yup, I just moved here... :) So greetings from the lovely Stockholm to Tee, Metalized, NoLordy, Trapped, Ledmag, WD and the guys and all that I just can't name as the list would be very very long...

Thank you, good night! - and so she jumped off stage.... :grin:

Welcome to Stockholm. If you need any help from a fellow Stockholmian just let me know.
Thanks for the nice words, guys, I really do appreciate them! :)

What has brought me here, you ask?... Well, one reason: my boyfriend is a Swedish guy... I guess you don't need more explanation. :grin: Besides that I am just learning Swedish and to be honest that gives me a headache sometimes.... :cry: I still hope I will be able to make it though... :)

At The Gates: I am sure we'll meet - if not somewhere else, then at the In Flames gig in November at Arenas.... :grin: And to offer your help without knowing me... Well, that was more than nice of you!! Thanks!! :)