A bit djenty


Jun 26, 2011
South Germany
Hi there.


This is is small recording from August. Actually I didn't want to post it because the DIs are a bit broken. But I do it anyway, it isn't that bad.

At some parts you can here, that there are hickups in the guitars. This is because when I recorded the DIs my PC was vomiting the shit out of it 'cause of too much CPU load. (I didn't bounce anything).

However, I like this recording so I'll show it to you :)
Guitar tone sounds sick as fuck. As much as I hate the word "djent" and what it has been whored out as, this tone is along the lines of what a djent tone should sound like. Not that Periphery/Bulb garbage that's labeled as "djent". Djent is supposed to have balls and your tone sir has plenty. Any info?
Thanks, here are some infos:

Rhythm guitars:
Schecter Hellraiser C-7 -> TSE 808 -> TSE X30 -> 2off-preshigh and ASEM RECTO Impsule.

Lead guitars:
Same guitar -> TSE 808 ->Legion with alot of mids -> some Delay and Reverb -> same Impulses

5 String Ibanez Bass (dont know the model) -> TSE BOD

Drums were SD2 with Metal Foundry.
Snare is 50% Devil and 20% Chris Adler Snare. (the rest original MF)
Kick is 80% Despised Icon and 20% Chris Adler Kick.
Mix is awesum. But I wanna hear more high mid on bass.(picky thing you know.)
Guitars can be more "Uber Broootal Soundtest" on your soundcloud.
How can I get Despised Icon Kick and Devil& Chris Adler Snare?
Can you post me a link or PM?