A bit of a problem....


Lord Of Chaos
Feb 17, 2002
New Jersey USA
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Hey, does anyone know if Nevermore's earlier albums went out of print or somthing? I cant seem to find anything before DNB. Even the little independant record stores, which are usually awsome, dont have anything. I try to avoid online stores cause of shipping charges. But anyway, are they still in print or is it just hard to get good music in my area? Thanks.
I think the only way to get them is to order them. they are all available but I had to order mine because century media suck.

If any albums are on the shelf it is usually just one copy of Dead heart in a dead world where i come from and no others. Pathetic

All the trouble is worth it in the end :)

just order the damn thing or trade for it...

Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Ok...I'm in Utah and the local Media Play has both the S/T and In Memory, so they can't be hard to find at all.

holy shit, lucky you
i never saw s/t anywhere, then my bros found it and got it for me for christmas. at the HMV near me in the fabulous shopping mall they always ONLY have DNB, PoE, and DHIADW. it sucks! i have NEVER EVER in my entire life seen In Memory ANYWHERE!!! EVER!! damn it! pisses me off too. my second fav and its the only one i'm missing and its no where to be found.
I'm in oz... and i got mind (and the DHIADW box) straight off the shelf... so it can't be to hard for you i'm sure... there will be some little metal store somewhere that will have them.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

I think alot of us in North America here would if they could. Like me. I'd go to Scandinavia for sure. Or maybe Germany and i'd go to Wacken and hang out with the Carrot Man.

oyea! would be amazing! we could soem ass together....we need some dudes here! you could even use my bed!
I found the self titled and POE at Tower Records years ago, and they still have copies there. In Memory was at Borders years ago and again, still have copies. All the others are much more widely available anywhere. This is all in White Plains New York actually. By the way, Borders is the craziest place I have ever seen, they have EVERYTHING that I'm not looking for. Obscure shit that you wouldn't expect borders to have. One hell of a metal collection at that place. I first got my Blind Guardian CD's there, before they were re-released in the US (so import.) Go to Borders!
I've always had good luck finding Nevermore at the "Piggly Wiggly" and also at the "Price Chopper". Another place you can check is "ShopCo"......... actually, you might find Jeff's parents there.