A problem that needs to be addressed

:err: ok, enough of these pms saying 'dood u act lik girl!' I AM female. deal with it :bah: and don't you fuckin pm me with netspeak!
genocide roach said:
its a hardcore thing, and its fucking retarded. hardcore in general needs to be wiped off the face of the earth for its simplistic music, gang mentallity, and "hardcore dancing"

Thank you, that's how I feel. I was neutral towards it, but after seeing Hatebreed live, and just that attitude they have....ugh...
That bit about only four poeple being in the pit reminded me of something that occured recently. I attended a "Death Metal Special" compromised of local bands in this area and it wasn't all bad.
However, with there only being about thirty people in attendance the crowd was about three rows deep so when the "moshing" kicked off:

Action swings left,
back to the right,
into the barriers at the front,
sprawl across the floor as there's no back to the pit....
I saw Deicide last night and Glen made it very clear that "There will be none of this kung fu bullshit tonight, fill the pit in and smother those fuckers."