Mosh Pits

I didn't say anything about entertaining as many people as possible. Most people are too stupid to be entertained by great art, which is why they listen to pop music. It's not that pop is made to be liked by the most people, it's that pop is the only thing most people are capable of liking. Great art is entertainment for the select few with good taste. That's not to say that pop music isn't art, but it's art akin to a comic strip in the newspaper; the meaning is obvious, there's little to remember, nothing challenging or out of the ordinary, and there'll be something else to take it's place next week.
This is useless bickering's obvious that neither one of you will see the other's side. Just agree to disagree. Different people like different with it. Nothing wrong with that. The guys who are moshing, dancing, jerking off, WHATEVER paid as much as the guys who came just to watch the band. They both have the right to do their own thing.

It's all good! :rock:
I headbang, pump my fist, and sing along up front. I used to mosh a lot, a couple years ago. I find it annoying nowadays. Fuck off.

EDIT: Oh, and as one of my friends noticed, I always tap my right foot to the rhythm. Never even noticed myself, until it was pointed out to me, hehe.
o.k. I think I should throw my 2 cents in on this subject, moshing is like capturing the energy that the band is pumping out. and me being a performer when I see people in the crowd moshing it makes me wanna play that much harder cause I can tell they're really feeling it (hell somtimes during guitar solos I jump in the pit myself) so in short moshing is a part of the show a conection so to speak, if you perfer to sit back and watch the show more power to you but dont sit there and say "oh they're a bunch of primtive apes because they hit each other for fun" they do your thing you do yours that simple however those idots that bring blades into the pit and things like that (thats not just rumors people they are real so be careful) deserve to get there asses kicked I always encorage people to help each other up but all and all moshing is a great thing for fans and performers and thats all I have to say about that :rock:
The Grimace said:
That's exactly what it is... anytime someone tells anyone else who's having an argument to shut up when they're not even involved, it's because they have nothing to contribute and that makes them mad.

Though there are exceptions. I don't think it would apply to a post along the lines of "Shut the fuck up and die you doughnut-punching losers, Fantomas and Kamelot BOTH love the ballsack!"
as I wasn't around in its golden age, I just wondered whether there was anything like modern day moshing in the thrash era.

Did the crowd actually go at each other with intent like modern teeny boppers seem to think is so amusing, or was it primarily just good old headbanging 'back in the day'?

I'm entitled to my opinion.

The gay word of moshing sums up the dance perfectly. Moshing is a gay form of dancing but you're meant to dance to music which wasn't intended to be danced to.
Moshing is okay as long as the people who are moshing are moshing within their group. When it gets out of hand and interferes with the show, that's when it gets annoying.
High On Maiden said:
as I wasn't around in its golden age, I just wondered whether there was anything like modern day moshing in the thrash era.

Did the crowd actually go at each other with intent like modern teeny boppers seem to think is so amusing, or was it primarily just good old headbanging 'back in the day'?


*clears throat*