Mosh Pits

The Grimace said:
I'd just like to point out to all the pro-mosh people who still have a problem with "hardcore dancing" ( :rolleyes: ) that... um... that's fucking stupid. It's the next logical extreme after moshing... first you hurl your body, then comes feet and fists. All of yall have probably only seen some kid in an Atreyu hoodie spin-kicking in the corner at some show or whatever, but when you see real H/C kids slam, it's a whole nother story. Those kids are fucking insane. I'd put 5 scrawny hardcore slam veterans up against 10 big metal mosh guys any day of the week. It's not "dancing".

Hardcore dancing looks fucking hilarious that's for sure. I saw one idiot trying to do cartwheels and crashed into a big metalhead. The metalhead caught him when the hardcore idiot had his legs up in the air, and just grabbed his legs and made him fall face flat on the floor. It was funny as hell.
But I guess what I just don't see at all is crowd-surfing......maybe I shouldn't speak since I haven't done it, though. It just seems like, why would it be worth it to risk breaking your necking/skull/something/getting lifted up by one leg by security just to crowd surf. It's even more annoying if they get upstage. Not cool, it messes up the band. I don't have a problem with crowd surfing, I just wouldn't ever do it.
Dodens Grav said:


I went to an Opeth show once and I remember people tried to start a pit and everyone around them gave them this look like, 'What the fuck are you doing?' and they immediately stopped.

at the satyricon show there was a pretty good sized pit. I don't partake because I, like others, have come to see the band play. I don't have a problem with moshers, just don't expect me to get into the pit...I'll stand in the back with the kvlt arms crossed pose.
Barking Pumpkin said:
But I guess what I just don't see at all is crowd-surfing......maybe I shouldn't speak since I haven't done it, though. It just seems like, why would it be worth it to risk breaking your necking/skull/something/getting lifted up by one leg by security just to crowd surf. It's even more annoying if they get upstage. Not cool, it messes up the band. I don't have a problem with crowd surfing, I just wouldn't ever do it.
Most security in the United States stand between the crowd and the stage.
I remember Akerfeldt didn't like that Devildriver had a bigger pit than Opeth, so then the Opeth pit got going. It was big especially for Demon of the Fall and April Ethereal. The funny part was that during the soft parts people either moshed in slow motion, or just swayed back and forth.

Another time, I went to see Slayer, Mastodon, and Killswitch Engage. I had two cracked ribs at the time, so I got there really early and got to the second or third row, figuring I would be fine. This worked well until Slayer came on. Then I was in a lot of pain, as getting slammed really hard beame unavoidable. I started up near the front and ended the night maybe fifty people back, as I kept getting pushed around. I am only 5'7", 130 lbs. In general, moshing at a metal show is alright, but I'm too small to partake without risking injury.
Dodens Grav said:
I guess there's the difference between moshers and non moshers. We don't have angst. And if we did, we would find a more productive means of releasing it that doesn't involve bouncing into people, bleeding, and getting injured. It's not that we're afraid to mosh, it's just that moshing is fucking stupid. When I go to a concert, I want to get the best view of the show as possible. You don't exactly accomplish that objective when you're not watching the show, do you?

...pussy. :D
The Grimace said:
You have to have bled in the pit to say shit about it. I've broken shit, lost blood, everything you can imagine while in the mosh. That's why I don't do it much anymore.

For anyone who thinks moshing is "stupid" or whatever and hasn't done it before, your opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. I personally think the people who stand there and headbang and throw their fists up are fucking ridiculous idiots. If you're going to stand there, then stand there and watch. Don't try to pretend that you're "participating", just accept that you're a puss, go to the back of the room, and watch the fucking show. Actually, don't go to the show at all. Stay home, listen to the album, and look at your posters. Pussies.

I bet you go home after a lovely night of watching a shit band like "Remembering Never", look in the mirror at that trickle of dried blood that sets sternly on your awkward face and think you are a tough guy. A psuedo state of machismo sinks in. Afterall, you can't get a date. You use the excuse of being straight edge as a reason for not having a valentine. What a hardcore harlequin you are Mr. Grimarse. Shut the fuck up and stop acting like an internet jihad warrior, ye fucking cumquat. Truth of the matter is this. Every douchebag I have ever seen in a moshpit is a fucking pussy who is trying to vent pent up anger that is bottled in from being lonely, jobless, and socially inadequate, and taking it out on fellow out of shape mental deviants in a circle jerk of jackass proportions. Only an idiot would get pleasure in getting his pseudogynecomastia bitch titties elbowed by the fat sweaty nunce to his left. But obviously, you're content with any sort of physical interaction you can get. As you parade around looking for a fallen damsel to assist back on her feet in a cheap masquerade to cop a feel.

Your type sickens me!
I used to mosh when I was younger, and I used to love it! But as I've gotten older, its just seems a little pointless, I only get involved in mosh pits if I wanna get close to the stage, but the enjoyment isn't really there anymore. Guess i'm not full of as much "angst" as I used to be. Pretty much every metal gig I've ever been too has involved some moshing, so the argument "its a punk" thing isn't really relevent. Hardcore dancing however has no place at metal gigs, plus its annoying as fuck. Most of the "hardcore" dancers that I've seen are weedy white trash teenagers trying to get some attention.
First I'll say that it's useless to be dogmatic on this issue one way or the other. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. If you have tried it, you know what it's like so state your opinion.

Generally speaking, I think moshing is a "reaction"...sort of an "involuntary reaction" to be more specific. One person here touched on it...when the power of the riff overtakes you, you just lose it! I have actually experienced this myself. Where I'm from, the pits are crazier than anywhere I've ever gone to either play or see a show. REALLY rough! So, it's not logical to want to hurl yourself in the midst of this flesh and bone tornado. But the many times I have moshed, it was like...I couldn't help it! And for me, it always happens on the super-heavy grooves of songs...particularly Suffocation's "Funeral Inception" ULTRA HEAVY groove...."GOD FORBID!! GOD FORBIDDEN!!" It's like I'm watching them jam one minute, and the next, I've just come from the pit, and I have no idea what I did or who I may have anhiallated.

I believe that as a general rule, musicians tend to want to watch the bands performance, and the die-hard fans want to mosh. Being a musician, I'd RATHER watch the band (which I do 80% of the time). But there are times when the urge to unleash this inner rage overcomes my desire to watch the musicians. Our band used to have a sort of "cult following" of skins (which was REALLY weird, and there was a show we played where the venue had mirrors on the walls...bad idea! At the end of the show, the mirrors were gone, and when the lights came on it looked like a slaughter house in there...literally! Several people were hospitalized and even more went to jail. Now, this is extreme in any person's book. I don't care how strong the "urge to unleash"...I'm thinking that urge would be curbed considerably the first time I felt a mirror plunge into my head!

I saw the Suffocation (the BEST EVER) and Behemoth show in Atlanta recently. There were actually quite a few moshers for Behemoth, but out of the 4 bands that played, Suffocation got the most moshers by far. And they moshed to mostly their new stuff. Here's why....MOST of these were guys around 20-25 years old. They've probably only heard Suffocation's new album since they were only 13-18 when their second most recent album came out. They moshed to Behemoth because of their stage act (which, in my opinion, was EXTREMELY gimmic-ish...they all look like Alice Cooper!). But between songs now and again they'd shout ridiculously overdone and underfelt anti-Christian phrases, and the younger guys love that stuff!

Anyways, sorry for the long post...I hope this helps you guys realize what "comes over" people to make them want to mosh.

Atlas Shrugged said:
I bet you go home after a lovely night of watching a shit band like "Remembering Never", look in the mirror at that trickle of dried blood that sets sternly on your awkward face and think you are a tough guy. A psuedo state of machismo sinks in. Afterall, you can't get a date. You use the excuse of being straight edge as a reason for not having a valentine. What a hardcore harlequin you are Mr. Grimarse. Shut the fuck up and stop acting like an internet jihad warrior, ye fucking cumquat. Truth of the matter is this. Every douchebag I have ever seen in a moshpit is a fucking pussy who is trying to vent pent up anger that is bottled in from being lonely, jobless, and socially inadequate, and taking it out on fellow out of shape mental deviants in a circle jerk of jackass proportions. Only an idiot would get pleasure in getting his pseudogynecomastia bitch titties elbowed by the fat sweaty nunce to his left. But obviously, you're content with any sort of physical interaction you can get. As you parade around looking for a fallen damsel to assist back on her feet in a cheap masquerade to cop a feel.

Your type sickens me!

Wow, I think you figured him out head to toe there for sure.