Mosh Pits

Just screwing with you man, but really if you don't want to mosh or go in pits just hang around the back.
Where did this come from? I asked a question.

My apologies if I offended you, as you can see English is not my native language. That is the only way I know how to word my question.
The thing is kids nowadays go all Bruce Lee on you, trying to show off to their friends. That's pretty gay. But the classic mosh imo is the "funest" part of a show. The classic bang-yourself-into-another-guy mosh.
So I'm on "the fringe," at a Symphony X gig. Some guy next to me gets pushed really hard across the pit by his friends behind him. He falls face first and gets up pissed off and looking for revenge. He turns, see me giggling, assumes it's me and gives me a swing. I was drunk, and was having a good time so just explained to him it wasn't me. Just as we part ways I turn back to the pit which had just cleared the moment Russell Allen hurls a bottle of water in to the (now clear) pit, and it decends on my crotch region. Sufficed to say, most painful pit I've not even been in!
I'm too old to mosh, with my cataracts and fragile hips I cannot risk the dangers of being assaulted by obese Nile fans.