Mosh Pits

I'll bite with a REALLY GREAT mosh pit tale since the forums are slow today.

One time I saw Sonata Arctica and some probably furry girls threw stuffed wolves at Tony Kakko.

The end.
Oh I do have another mosh pit story.

I saw Soilent Green a few years ago and there was a couple just MAKING OUT in the back of the floor, crashing into people and generally grossing everyone out. Ben Falgoust said "hey guys get a fucking room," good on him
Who would want to make out in a mosh pit? Those people are stupid. Nothing attractive about that. It is probably one of the worst places you could makeout in.

I am over the whole mosh pit crap. It was cool to me when I was in the 8th grade. Now I am more focused on the band and who I am with than rolling around with people..
I can think of far worse places to make out, like in a dumpster or while straddling one another sitting on a toilet. But yeah it's just asking for someone to hit you and you wind up biting your person's tongue off.
Those are worse but I said it was one of the worst places, but you are right. Yeah, that would be no good. There is not a whole lot about a mosh pit that would be attractive and get me in the mood or anything for me to be all over and mauling on my partner. Those people are crazy.