Mosh Pits

the only kind of music where moshing is acceptable is pantera/slayer type bands. -george carlin mode on- "you know what you never see?? A kid with a bloody face at a dragonforce concert" -george carlin mode off-
transient said:
you cant get in the front row, those people get so crushed they literally cant breathe. ive been there!

That was me at Nov 11th show Toronto :)

i had a rectangular bruise on my chest from the rail, when Alexi and Janne did their solo adnt he mosh stopped i pushed back. It was WELL worth the pain though.
Moshing can be fun from time to time. Bodom's music may not be ideal for moshing but its not too far from it. However i remember i was at the Philly show where that excuse for a band Throwdown played and there was about 50 of these gay ass kids doing that hardcore dance. I wasn't even that close to the pit and still caught a couple of elbows.

Those people should die, dont come to a metal band jsut becuase your gay ass band is opening for a great band (bodom not iced earth)
As far as i'm concerned, moshing is for the kiddies. I go to a show to see the band, enjoy a beer and headbang a bit. For me, moshing is WAY past its sell by date and any kids constantly whack into me or some fat sweaty, topless fuck is organising "a pit" i get angry, so quit moshing and enjoy the show.
if your doing the surfing HELL yeah! But when your carrying some fucker with ass hair half way up his back it gets pretty shitty :lol:
You live on the same island as the English. And the Welsh. HA!
Imagine if nobody moshed on a metal gig. The band must be doing something wrong then.
i would be honored if i played a show and the audience was headbanging but not moshing... imagine an audience full of long haired metal heads headbanging in sync, that would be so awesome

in fact, with my new band, when we play shows if anyone starts moshing we're gonna tell them to cut that shit out :lol:
Moshing is stoopid. I always want to learn the posistions the guitar players are playing in so I never mosh.

However, for people who like moshing that Trivium lead singer with just piss himself with delight if you mosh. he spent the entire MA show trying to get people to get in a circle pit. HA. No one could do it. they just swayed back and forth. I was upstairs and it was very amusing.
didn't read the whole thread. anyways, I think the crowdsurfers are way worse than the moshers (i don't the the word exists, but i think you all are intelligent enough to know what i mean ;) ) .