A bit off topic..but hey, that´s what friends are for...

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Hi everyone

Dan here...

I am a huge Sarah Michelle Gellar fan (read: addict) :worship:
and have been blessed with a lot of TV appearances from her lately due to the success of "The Grudge" (She´s soooooooo worth it) anyway....I thought, people from all over the globe, all gatahered here, maybe someone has a friend that has a friend that knows where to find the Saturday Night Live show that she hosted some years back. I have seen clips of it on the web, but I´d like to know if they released them on DVD (boxset??) or if you know anyone with a good VHS recording of it (I bought a universal format VHS player just to be sure!!!)

If you can help me, drop me a mail at dan@swano.com


She's included as a guest on that DVD...she hasn't got her own DVD or anything like that obviously, because she hasn't been on SNL regularly.

She's a terrible actor anyway. :p Or rather...there's really nothing bad about her, it's just that I don't think she has any spectacular talents.

Aah...I'm too lazy to mail, sorry. I guess you'll read this board from time to time too?
Maybe there is something to this woman.

My first instinct was to grab all my CD's with Dan doing badass evil vocals and TRASH them, but then I got my head together. Hehehe. A good friend of mine is also a huge fan of hers, and I respect his opinion a bit b/c he is an artist (painter, scultor) and has recommended sensational books and movies to me in the past. So I made myself sit through a newer Buffy that confirmed what I feared: There is nothing special about her. But when I told my friend this he said emphatically "Dude, you have to see the OLD Buffy episodes, not the new ones!" I still haven't done that. What got you started following her, Dan? Maybe I'll try once more....LOL
Dan Swanö said:
Hi everyone

Dan here...

I am a huge Sarah Michelle Gellar fan (read: addict) :worship:
and have been blessed with a lot of TV appearances from her lately due to the success of "The Grudge" (She´s soooooooo worth it) anyway....I thought, people from all over the globe, all gatahered here, maybe someone has a friend that has a friend that knows where to find the Saturday Night Live show that she hosted some years back. I have seen clips of it on the web, but I´d like to know if they released them on DVD (boxset??) or if you know anyone with a good VHS recording of it (I bought a universal format VHS player just to be sure!!!)

If you can help me, drop me a mail at dan@swano.com


Nice NP.. if there's an actual re-make of Glory Days or any Nightingale song, you must send it to me (midnightwill@gmail.com) next time you reply to my email :p
Did you check her fansite / unofficial fansites? I don't watch SNL very often, nor have I the past couple of years, but I distinctly remember seeing that episode more than once on Comedy Central (which I do watch with regularity). Maybe try Comedy Central, and inquire to them which episode that is (making easier to know where to get it). I'm sure their webpage has some contact info somewhere.

P.S.- She is very hot, I don't care if she can act or not. :D
Holy shit! Dan Swano is a Sarah Michelle Gellar fan! Awesome.
Buffy was the best show on TV, and SMG is great.

As for the SNL appearance, I know she hosted SNL at least 3 times (1998, 1999 and 2002). As far as I know, there haven't been any official release of those shows, but most skits from them, as well as the entire 1999 episode can be found on the web (filesharing networks, to be exact).

My suggestion is to use eMule (from http://www.emule-project.net), and start searching for combinations of "SNL", "SMG", "Saturday Night Live" and "sarah michelle gellar".
The skits are relatively small (no more than 50MB files) and popular so downloading will be quick. The full ep from 1999 is a 700MB file with about 40 sources (shouldn't take more than a week to get).
This is the ed2k link:

If you want to find out what episodes she actually starred in, you'll want to stop by the Comedy Central (www.comedycentral.com) message boards (which are down, apparently). They should have an SNL section there, as CC owns the rights to SNL reruns. Just ask there and SNL nerds should be able to answer what episodes she appeared in.

Then you can deny SNL the royalties for those episodes by PIRATING THEM OFF THE INTERNET! Mwahahaha! Down with the capitalist dog pigs!

Edit: Ignore me, what Klepto suggested is a lot quicker. :)
Protected Witness said:
Ever see her in the Stone Temple Pilots video "Sour Girl?"
I will hopefully do that later today, I found a few AVI´s on EMule...along with some great stuff with her and Jack Black. Movies kicks ass!!
Haha, this thread is awesome. I saw a snl box set today for 60 bucks or something. Not sure what episodes it has... Sorry I can't be more help, the only thing I really know about Sarah Michelle Gellar is that she's drop dead gorgeous.
For you Buffy fans, (and to make a long story short) Sarah Michelle Gellar's stunt women (the one doing all the actual fighting) is my old martial arts instructors wife. Her name is Diana Lee Inosanto (Daughter of Dan Inosanto, best friend and certified to teach under the late Bruce Lee.) Her husband is Ron Balicki. Check it out...



I've worked with her a few times during training sessions with Ron, and she is ALL bad-ass.

Just some useless crap for those interested. hahaha