A bit off topic..but hey, that´s what friends are for...

Hey Dan

Sorry i have not emailed those Van Zant tracks yet but life here has been ridiculously intense of late.. i think every bit of technology in my house has broken within the past month and the cost to replace it has been insane. Plus college, etc, blah blah blah. :yell:

Anyways i'll get them as soon as i can. Sorry to mess you arround with it.

But on topic. My girlfriend's brother worked in a hotel where SMG was staying.. she is supposedly totally stuck up. This was when i think she was filming the Scooby Doo movie, There was a lizard in her hotel room. One of those tiny little ones. Anyways she called up the management and demanded they kill the thing. So the hotel sent some people up to her room to check out the creature. When they saw it was such a small lizard they picked it up and took it outside but she demanded that they kill it !

I have every SNL episode on tape up until when the show got really bad in the recent years. (everything from the beginning to 1999 then what ever episodes i found funny from then on) I'd go through my tapes but atm i don't even have a vcr to watch them. :erk: I've seen the SMG episodes... but can't remember if i have them or not.

Jack Black is one funny guy.. seeing Tenacious D in a few weeks. Is it the skit he did with SMG for Lord Of The Rings ? Thats on one of the LOTR expanded edition dvds.. funny stuff.
Strange, in interviews she always seemed down-to-earth, and pretty cool. Then again, you can never know with these stars.

Anyway, enough of that. Look what I found (thumbnails and all):
SMG rocks when she does the Aguilera-parody in SNL :D
Also, BTVS is a pretty cool show, not the best I've seen, but interesting enough to keep me coming back for more...

On a related subject, has anyone seen Josh Whedon's Sci-fi series "Firefly"? It rocked, but it was cancelled for some reason. A movie adaptation is due next year, so check that out if you like good sci-fi.
On a semirelated note, is Buffy gone for good or doesn't "Femman" have the right to run the other episodes?
Nefilim said:
SMG rocks when she does the Aguilera-parody in SNL :D
Also, BTVS is a pretty cool show, not the best I've seen, but interesting enough to keep me coming back for more...

On a related subject, has anyone seen Josh Whedon's Sci-fi series "Firefly"? It rocked, but it was cancelled for some reason. A movie adaptation is due next year, so check that out if you like good sci-fi.
Sci-Fi channel cancels every show that's actually good :erk:

as for Gellar, isn't she in a recent movie?
Dan Swanö said:
Hi everyone

Dan here...

I am a huge Sarah Michelle Gellar fan (read: addict) :worship:
and have been blessed with a lot of TV appearances from her lately due to the success of "The Grudge" (She´s soooooooo worth it) anyway....I thought, people from all over the globe, all gatahered here, maybe someone has a friend that has a friend that knows where to find the Saturday Night Live show that she hosted some years back. I have seen clips of it on the web, but I´d like to know if they released them on DVD (boxset??) or if you know anyone with a good VHS recording of it (I bought a universal format VHS player just to be sure!!!)

If you can help me, drop me a mail at dan@swano.com

Not a fan of hers, but do you get the DVDs of her show Buffy Dan? That would probably be a good investment.
I have to say I understand Dan's situation. Not too long ago I started watching Buffy, and I don't know why. She's such a horrible actor, but I couldn't stop. Then I saw every single episode, and after the last one, I almost felt sad because there was no more... Oh well, afterwards I discovered Buffy's spinoff, Angel. And that show has Charisma Carpenter, whom I am completely crazy about...mmmm. As for the SNL, if I catch it, I'll be quite sure to record it for you.