What the hell is this country coming too? Off topic!

Here's a thought that will further piss off a lot of folks...but hell, a poor old redneck like me couldn't count for too much anyway...but here are my thoughts whether you like them or not. NOBODY SAID YOU HAD TO READ ANY FURTHER, YA KNOW.....

Yes, Bush's tax plan benefits the wealthy. Even those who make over $200,000 a year as stated. But guess what....a lot of people making that much money are known as EMPLOYERS of people who make less money. I personally want my boss to get as much back as he can from the government, because then he won't feel compelled to cut my salary to help cover his operating expenses. If he is getting more back then maybe we'll all get that Christmas bonus next year, etc. If he's not getting a tax break then he'll have to cut corners somewhere else and that usually ain't good.

Also, as an American citizen (or as a citizen of many countries throughout the world) you , me, and all the children of this nation have the right to go and seek out as much money as we want to make because of a little thing we call the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. If folks are so uptight about the wealthy getting bigger tax breaks then why not let that be an incentive to make more money themself so that they, too can benefit.

Most people aren't truly mad because their lives are so bad...it's because everyone else's lives seem so good!

And money is not the most important thing in life. But one is only selling oneself short if they don't try to make the most of their potentential.

I love cash. I am not afraid of saying it. Money is not the root of all evil. LACK OF MONEY is the root of all evil.

I'll end it here and go talk music instead.
Thraxz said:
...There is no way I could ever place my largest priority in life on money. I, personally, find it incredibly shallow and ridiculously self-centered...

You are perfectly right to criticize my priorities -- it is entirely self-centered. It’s who I am. I do have personal dissonance, however, with the thought of ultra-conservativism; no sense of greater good. I’m a reasonable dude; I know that this wouldn’t work. My values, while shallow to some, do reflect the opinions of many others who ‘contribute.’ This is also human nature. These also are the qualities of many people; shallow, yes, but it’s not outside the realm of human compatibility.

Compelling arguments here…I am willing to hear you out. Let me say this – That there are people subsidizing my take from society, and on down the line, is the root of my question. Not just the obvious abusers, but that families making half as much as mine (and Pyrus – it’s a lot less than 200k! :grin: ) have almost zero tax burden. I contribute half as much as those making more. I don’t see the circular logic here – but I don’t understand it, either.
This is not a bash... I'm not trying to take a stab at you or your intelligence.

Insania said:
I don’t see the circular logic here – but I don’t understand it, either.

That is probably why you're voting for Bush.

Insania said:
...have almost zero tax burden.

Any substantiation for this? I grossed $12000 last year and had (roughly) 8-10% taken (not including FICA/state/local deductions). That is NOT "almost 0." Please explain why I was taxed if the tax burden was "almost 0."

Here's some somewhat irrelevant info that serves as yet another wedge between me and Mr. I'm-Giving-The-People-Their-Money-Back(a.k.a. Bush):I only made $13k because I'm working 3/4 time while going to school (that I am paying for out of my own pocket). As for this wonderful tax cut that Bush gave "to all tax paying citizens"; it was complete bullcrap. I never got a dime back. Considering I was against the tax cut to begin with, I didn't mind them keeping the money very much. BUT, the fact that they used the language "all tax paying citizens" IN THE LETTER THEY SENT ME saying I wasn't going to receive a tax break was an outright slap in the face. Money is not the issue there, principle is. If you're going to push through a tax cut for "all tax paying citizens" it better fucking be for all tax paying citizens. (I.E. me)

Thanks for your time.
Thraxz said:
You guys are out of you friggin skulls if you think it's a GIVEN that Bush will win this election. Gore was 8 points behind in the polls last election and he won. Kerry and Bush are in a dead heat, with Kerry trailing only slightly, this is far from a given thing.
I dearly hope you're right.
I see the polls, and see that Kerry has picked up momentum in the past few weeks. However, everyone I'm surrounded by is a Bush supported. All of my friends, all of my family & most of my co-workers! And, the ironic thing is that I work in Manhattan & live about 15 miles North of it - an area that's supposed to be considerably liberal!!

Look at it from this perspective:
- with the truth of the Iraq matter now out in the open, Kerry should have a billion point lead in the polls! But, he's barely break-even. The fact is that most Americans have no clue and will continue to buy into what the neo-con propaganda media-machine dictates to them.

Again, I'll repeat this to make this as clear as day here:
- Tony Blair & Colin Powell have both, in recent months, stated that the case for the war was "sketchy" at best, that there was/is no link between Saddam and al Qaeda.
- the bi-partisan 9/11 commission has declared that no link existed
- after 18 months of occupation, not a trace of WMDs has been found
- in recent weeks, Bush himself has commented on the lack of a 9/11-Iraq link

so, this means either of the following:
- the bush admin LIED to the world, in the greatest cash-grab ever devised
- they're simply incompetent and made one of the greatest errors in judgement in the history of the United States, starting a war that's progressed in an entirely detrimental manner, all-the-while validating bin Laden's claims against the US and rallying thousands to new supporters to his banner.

How can anyone continue to support this president? Are a few dollars in (supposed) tax savings worth the disaster that the future promised to be?