Quite Possibly The Most Off-Topic Topic in UM OS history....

I see no one making an ass out of themselves but you. Maybe you see it the other way but I don't. You know this is just going to keep going back and forth so let's just end it. The comment I made was strictly sarcasm, maybe I should have thrown some smileys in there or what not. You guys are entirely too serious about what people say. It was nothing but a joke. Good day.
nataservant said:
I see no one making an ass out of themselves but you. Maybe you see it the other way but I don't. You know this is just going to keep going back and forth so let's just end it. The comment I made was strictly sarcasm, maybe I should have thrown some smileys in there or what not. You guys are entirely too serious about what people say. It was nothing but a joke. Good day.

you have an awful sense of humor
Stick with writing music or honing your skills on an instrument or something productive, Wicked. I'm 18 and have already discovered long ago that girls/women are nothing more than a waste of time. I'm picky as hell and have every right to be, I have only run into two that actually caught my attention. Their build namely, is what truly grasped my attention along with their decent personalities ... until i got to know them a bit more.
I know plenty of females ... Im sure you do too, don't waste your time on them.

However, there are some odd ones that do exist that you can't help but like. I have yet to truly encounter that experience (the previous two were assumptions of being great girls). Everyone gave great advice and I couldn't add anything more to what these people have stated. Just go do it, you'll feel good about yourself going through with the action no matter what the outcome.
If she says "yes" great, maybe y'all will have a good relationship in the making. If she says "no" ... the hell with her, at least you tried.
JonnyD said:
you have an awful sense of humor
agreeing with you there 100%jd.

nataservant,you were right in one thing,you should have used some smileys if you were joking,cause as a brit,the people who invented sarcasm,i can tell you that your writing had none of it in there.

the wicked one is a friend of pretty much everyone on the um oldschool board,me included.i dont know about you,but i get a little upset when i perceive that someone is being rude to one of my friends,particularly when they are trying to talk about a delicate issue.
nataservant said:
Is that a tear coming out of your eye?
How long did it take you to get that pose down?
Not long enough because your picture is crap.
Thank you, come again.
Man, if you think this kind of nonsense will be allowed around here, you're mistaken. Please leave before your are removed from the forum. No need to
try to be the tough guy around here...
nataservant said:
I see no one making an ass out of themselves but you. Maybe you see it the other way but I don't. You know this is just going to keep going back and forth so let's just end it. The comment I made was strictly sarcasm, maybe I should have thrown some smileys in there or what not. You guys are entirely too serious about what people say. It was nothing but a joke. Good day.
And good riddance I say.
Please stay away.
We will be eternally grateful for your absence :Smokedev:
I identify with your experience, even reading your posts made me nervous. Like a year ago remember, I told you guys about that girl melissa in my class, well, I didn't talk to her and sometimes I regret it other times I don't, I havent seen her in like 6 months, but she still has my first place in my heart.
nataservant said:
You swear you saw her looking at you? I doubt it? You are probably just imagining things. I mean you seem to be fucked up in the head anyways. I bet she thinks you are a stalker of some sort. My advice is to stay away from her so she doesn't kick you in the nuts and then call security. Stay in your room and continue to rock back and forth and contemplate suicide.
Hey, mr big man, here! Personally insulting someone OVER THE INTERNET! Wow, way to show balls, dumb ass. So, I got a question for you, numb nuts, what struck you to make a complete ass of yourself and personally insult someone you've never met, never talked to and never seen? You're biggest pile of waste i've ever run across here.

EDIT: Saw the post that you wrote about how you wre being sarcastic. whoops! Accept my apology, and next time, use smileys. :)

And as you all have probably noticed, it's Thursday. I saw her on the bus today, but she had a friend with her this time, and approaching her with a friend is a NO-NO. But the evening is young, who knows what'll happen. Gee, i'm hungry....and i do have a few friends coming over later...hmmm...all of a sudden, i feel like having Pat and Oscar's famous breadsticks. :D
@ nateservile: You must be the biggest idiot money can buy. Coming in here pretending to be sarcastic and messing with everyone. My advice: pack your ass and move to Pluto, before the UMOS enforcers turn you into mince meat.

@ Nick: wise move. Male (?) friends around are indeed a no-no. But I'm sure you got the picture by now, and your instincts are right, so go ahead with the hunt. You have the best support/cheergroup behind you...UMOS ;)
Fuckin' hell. People like that nataservant person piss me off. Regardless of weather he was joking or not. I was offended by his comments and they weren't even aimed at me. Let us hope we'll never see him again.

Back on topic - Nice plan Wicked :) Remember to keep us updated!

Well today, guess where my friend wanted to eat? Pat and Oscar's Yup, i saw her today. Funny, didn't see her on the bus, but after paying for 9 breadsticks(and recieving about 20!!!), and plotting dumb plans to "coincidentally run into her" i got the guts to talk to her. As many here suggested, i started out by saying,"Hey, I thought i'd say hi. i keep seeing everywhere."She recognizes me as the guy from the bus. Good sign, i guess. I ask if she'd like to talk sometime, and says yes, I can come in anytime, and talk, talk to her on the bus. No, phone number, but hey, it's a start. I won't rush things. We formally introduced ourselves, and my god.....her smile! Sweet Jesus almighty! What a smile!
That's great Wicked!
You're one step closer :)

Can we be like the granparents that have to see if she's good enough for you? :D Hehehe, just kidding.
Good luck with her man.
good for you wicked child! just always remember to be honest and treat her with respect, your personality will take care of the rest!
Wicked Child said:

Well today, guess where my friend wanted to eat? Pat and Oscar's Yup, i saw her today. Funny, didn't see her on the bus, but after paying for 9 breadsticks(and recieving about 20!!!), and plotting dumb plans to "coincidentally run into her" i got the guts to talk to her. As many here suggested, i started out by saying,"Hey, I thought i'd say hi. i keep seeing everywhere."She recognizes me as the guy from the bus. Good sign, i guess. I ask if she'd like to talk sometime, and says yes, I can come in anytime, and talk, talk to her on the bus. No, phone number, but hey, it's a start. I won't rush things. We formally introduced ourselves, and my god.....her smile! Sweet Jesus almighty! What a smile!
:lol: sounds like you are doing alright! Good! great to hear. Every now and then I check this tread to see if you made any progress :)
Nick is da man! Wick on, and not a step back. Congrats ;)
Igor_Cavalera said:
Can we be like the granparents that have to see if she's good enough for you? :D
If it makes you happy, then maybe, just maybe. :grin:

Y'know, just a passing thought that i happen to be typing down here while i'm thinking it, she said come by anytime and talk. Is that really a smart thing to do? I mean yes, she said i could, but wouldn't that be distracting her andgetting in the way of her work? I mean, that's just rude. I wanna be suave, not rude! I mean, hell, i literally cut in front of a customer to talk to her on Thursday! That was the only way to do it, and i felt bad, and man did i get dirty looks from the customers.

And again, thanks for all your support! It does mean a hell of alot to me.:rock:
Wicked Child said:
If it makes you happy, then maybe, just maybe. :grin:

Y'know, just a passing thought that i happen to be typing down here while i'm thinking it, she said come by anytime and talk. Is that really a smart thing to do? I mean yes, she said i could, but wouldn't that be distracting her andgetting in the way of her work? I mean, that's just rude. I wanna be suave, not rude! I mean, hell, i literally cut in front of a customer to talk to her on Thursday! That was the only way to do it, and i felt bad, and man did i get dirty looks from the customers.

And again, thanks for all your support! It does mean a hell of alot to me.:rock:
Nick She Digs you! good Job :grin: .... Fuck the customers! if it doesnt bother her then dont let it bother you :)