A Black Metal Mix for a fellow Sneapster (6505 guitars, potentially my best work)

This is reneisgod's band Cnocantursa that I have been mixing. Rene tracked this all up in Scotland, sending me DI's for all the guitars and triggered drums and live cymbals.

Guitars were reamped through my 6505. I'm really quite happy with this tone, was green channel for a change. I still have the mic and settings in place if anyone wants any pictures.

Winter A Dirge

Winter A Dirge - Alternate link

Winter A Dirge - Another alternate link

Hope you like it guys
Whoa, this fucking rules dude, and Rene, I love the music man! Your singer fucking rules, sounds just like Shagrath, and the keyboards absolutely make the song. Machinated, great job on the guitars as always, and the overall volume - if you don't mind me asking, how'd you get your loudness?

EDIT: Acoustic just came in, absolutely fantastic! Fuck this is awesome...
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Increased Sadness. :cry::cry:
Cheers guys - I'm pretty damned proud of this mix. I actually mastered it a lot hotter before but had some clipping in there so I backed off somewhat. Got a nice balance hopefully now. I'll upload the photo's later, nothing to special again settings wise.

I have recently started mixing with a 2-bus compressor on, although its literally taking off just over 1dB, just seems to make things a little bit more aggressive. When mastering, I'm using a multiband really slightly to keep things fairly even across the freq. spectrum, then a gclip, and timeworks compressor. Its really a case of getting things balanced before mastering though. I'm sure you can contact reneisgod at some point about picking up the CD. The "acoustic" is actually from the keys. Everyone seems to love that bit though haha
REALLY good job!

great singer!
I'd have wished a bit more bottomend in total but I think for blackmetal this is just fine.....nice work!

... but there's still quite a bit clipping :( (especially in the very end)
Killer mix but, and I feel terrible saying this, considering my complete lack of experience, but by the end of the song the hihats were giving me a headache with the amount of high-end they had. Might be my terrible computer speakers or something, but I suggest you take a look(/listen) at that.
Cheers guys! I noticed some clipping too, guess I'll have to back off the Timeworks a little more. Ill look into those hihats too, but unfortunately I only have OH tracks to play with so my options are somewhat limited. I didn't really boost them much either.

Ill get a photo today of the amp/cab/mic setup. What other "beans" are you looking for me to spill? I don't really feel I'm doing anything to crazy here. Plugin wise I'm using lots of URS CSP's :)