A brand new song from me in a style similar to Bloodbath? What do you think?

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

Let me start by saying this is more just a judge of guitar tone and songwriting skills, than it is about the entire mix. This is because (long story short) I won't have enough RAM to run 2.0 until I get my replacement RAM back from the shop I bought it from (warranty reasons). As a result, I composed this song with....with.....EZDRUMMER! :(

The drums sound terrible. I made a small effort to mix them but didn't concentrate on it every hard. I mainly wanted some MIDI blueprint down so I could bring up 2.0 when I get my RAM back and have something to work off already, and I was sick of sending this to people without them knowing the kind of vibe i was going for.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/bit of a chunky demo.mp3

Update with dual recto, Superior 2.0 and bass.
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/bit of a chunky demo-GOOD STUFF.mp3

I think this is one of the best guitar tones I've recorded, and funnily enough it is just a line6 toneport tone, even with the internal cab simulation. :puke: I'll probably record better takes with some impulses later, but for now I just wanted to see how you liked it as a song, and when I get my new RAM I'll mix it properly, with bass and vocals and all that jazz, and bump this thread or something.

By the way, the solos are there obviously for the sake of solos at this point...better ones will be done on the final version. :lol: There is also a long slow part at the very end, which needs a solo over it too.
Thanks man. I never even considered trying to be close to a Bloodbath type of tone. This patch is based off a patch I made a long time ago, and I just opened it for the lulz and tweaked it a little and it was sounding pretty good. Having this tone definitely inspired a lot of where I wanted this song to go.

Once I change the beats up a bit with some Slayer beats, some blasts, and better fills, etc, I think this song will be really awesome. :)
Ok guys I've linked an update in the first post. It was only done quickly, but it captures the overall vibe of the song a lot better I think. I still didn't program some fills for the drums but I did add some blasts in there to mix things up a little.

Drums are all 2.0 now, and guitars are my dual recto with some impulses GuitarHack made.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/bit of a chunky demo-GOOD STUFF.mp3

What do you think now? How can I improve it?
love the song man cool riffage, that kick really dosent fit in though (ezdrummer curse) and cymbals are a bit to thin. really good attempt though man.
Thanks guys.

The Impulse was called 'GuitarHack Centre 45' from a folder with something about multiple fredman in the title.

Any more listens or comments? :(
Yo Dylan, listening to the one with the Dual Rec guitars, I can't say I'm all that crazy about the tone, it's a bit too scooped for my tastes. Drums sound good, but there's a bit too much thump in the kick IMO (~100-150 Hz, maybe lower). What I can hear of the bass sounds pretty sweet, but yeah, can't hear much (now that I listen again though, I think it's more what's making it feel a bit too bottom-heavy, though the kick still is a bit as well IMO). I like the snare a lot though, and the cymbals, and definitely sweet riffing man! :headbang:
Thanks heaps man!

I've changed a few things and I'll probably upload later or tomorrow. I appreciate the comments. :)