A call for help (nerds)


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Nov 16, 2002
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ok, i wake up this morning, go down talk to my mum for a bit and watch some telly. then i decide to put the comp on only to find that iv supposedly deleted some file and that i need it to run windows... it says to press any button to continue however, so i do.

then when i get to my desktop it the comp starts to look for this file itself, ( OSA9.EXE :confused: ) it cant find it. i think to myself, if i did delete it, then i would remember, but the only i have deleted was the gay splinter cell demo, cos it pissed me off. so then i think that i must have a virus! :eek:

so i go to norton anti virus to give my comp a quick once over, to get rid of it when i find that it refuses to work :mad: i then have to re-install it and now it is scanning my comp but has found nothing (73% done...).

so... my questions are:

1) What does OSA9.EXE do?

2) how can i combat the virus and get rid of it before it does any more damage?

3) is there a way of downloading OSA9.EXE rather than re-installing windows all over?

serious answers would be prefered here, but i need some funny ones aswell, cos atm i dunno what to do :cry:

be optimistic! :grin:
Looks like it's just a matter of Office getting its brain scrambled. Happened to me last week with OSA dll's. I had a crash and Windows reverted back to a older backup of those particular files. I uninstalled Office and re-installed it from scratch. All is fine now. It doesn't sound like you have a virus. Try installing Office again to see if that fixes it.
ok, thats sounds fair, i'llk try and reinstall it, but then why did my norton anti virus break down then?