haha this dude tried to send me a virus


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Athens, Jo'gia
Yggdrasil Epar: hi
C42V3 1: hello
Yggdrasil Epar: pic?
C42V3 1: ya
C42V3 1 wants to directly connect.
C42V3 1 is now directly connected.
C42V3 1: just right click and goto "open slideshow"
Yggdrasil Epar: looks like a virus to me
Yggdrasil Epar: find someone that's a moron
C42V3 1: ?
C42V3 1:
C42V3 1: tahts even one of my pics
Yggdrasil Epar: i bet
Yggdrasil Epar: so why do you send an exe file
C42V3 1: well fuck you then
C42V3 1: because thats how the slideshow is
C42V3 1: you load it
C42V3 1: and it scrolls pictures
Yggdrasil Epar: i bet
C42V3 1: fuck you
C42V3 1 direct connection is closed.
Yggdrasil Epar: :-)

hehe im glad im not a moron.