A Catastrophic Scenario! (I just hope this won´t happen)


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I´ve got some catastrophic scenario to hit the fan in this odd times, I hope this won´t happen, but here is it?

Anthrax might have recorded the material which really, really kicks ass. The only bad thing is that no one is really interested to release it. OK, all the considerable labels say fuck off. So, finally a label appears. The album, of course, has no promotion, because Anthrax isn´t Nickelback or Korn. Then, the sales are way too poor. Maybe the poorer than Volume 8. Disgusted guys call it quits and in five years or so reunite with old Joey Belladonna, playing old tunes, don´t remembering the John´s name. And everyone would be happy...

...well, except me (and you?)

What´s your feedback?

If anyone tells me to fuck off, please open your mouth and insert... you know, Metal Sludge quote.
I started to open my mind a little bit to bands like nickelback and korn and such, not that I like them but I at least came to terms with the fact that they do have talent, i mean how else can you make a song that gets played on the radio? But if that happens I will hate them and once agian all new alternative metal and rock would suck and I would tell everyone and my fiance would get annoyed because anytime she would listen to them I would say they suck
Originally posted by Jono
I started to open my mind a little bit to bands like nickelback and korn and such, not that I like them but I at least came to terms with the fact that they do have talent, i mean how else can you make a song that gets played on the radio? But if that happens I will hate them and once agian all new alternative metal and rock would suck and I would tell everyone and my fiance would get annoyed because anytime she would listen to them I would say they suck

Uh, I have news for you. Having talent has NOTHING to do with getting your songs played on the radio.
Ye of little fucking faith. Guys, guys, chill. How long is it between AC/DC records? Cult records? Rush? Pantera? Selloutica? Waiting for the new Guns N' Roses? Lets all face the facts, Anthrax, like many other bands, is not in the prime promotion spot in their career. It's not 1988. They're doing what they can, all they can. Do you think they want to be laid up for another 6 months? Fuck no! BUT they're not going to have Operation Pooch Screw like Vol. 8 was. Then it's all for naught. Music industry sales are off what? 30% this year? 10% last year? That's almost 40% less revenue than 2 fucking years ago. Everyone is hurting and that trickles down to the Anthrax's of the world big time. They'll rectify the situation and hopefully be on solid ground for years to come. Then we can look for the Live Bush album, and ANOTHER record in 2005 or so. Fuck! I'll be 31 in 2005!

Personally I'd rather wait for something done right than just have something to fill a void. When they come for us, we'll be ready.
Well according to scott, the wait is to make sure that this isn't like volume 8. They are probably thinking of ways to help the album also. We gotta do our part too. A solid fan base is very helpful.
Originally posted by SweatingBullets
I would be so pissed if that happens. I don't know if anyone agrees, but John is way better than Joey. I think Joey is kinda boring, I like their older stuff, but just because of the instruments.


And I also agree with the post saying that being played on radio doesn´t have anything in common with having a talent, but, guys, you be lucky that you don´t live in my country and are not forced to listen to our radio stations. Personally I don´t have anything against, let´s say, Nickelback, they sound only too boring for me. But I wish Czech radios played Nickelback, because it would be better than the crap they play one thousand fuckin´ times everyday.
You know I gave up to the way of thinking that only good songs are played on the radio. I have discovered so much other music, and not because of the radio, but because of friends, the net, and even t.v.. I guess alot of the bands I listen to do not get much airplay, but that does not mean they aren't good. People just gotta open there ears and hear what's out there and not jump on the bandwaghon all the time. Like what you like. Hell, I think the new Korn Cd is killer, alot of fat riffs. They pretty much have gotten away from the fad they started.
johnnieCzech said:

And I also agree with the post saying that being played on radio doesn´t have anything in common with having a talent, but, guys, you be lucky that you don´t live in my country and are not forced to listen to our radio stations. Personally I don´t have anything against, let´s say, Nickelback, they sound only too boring for me. But I wish Czech radios played Nickelback, because it would be better than the crap they play one thousand fuckin´ times everyday.

You don´t enjoy Hiduchi? :tickled:
Damn, Justin. I completely forgot about this thread. (beer kills your brain)
At first I thought this was a new thread, then I realized that Brent replied, and he doesn't do so these days.

Is Johnnie a prophet?

Here's what I think will happen, because I'm optimistic (mind you this is speculation):

If there's a reuinion, Anthrax will make a new Belladonna album, and it will be GOOD. I keep telling myself this, if worse comes to worst, Anthrax will release an EXCELLENT new CD with Belladonna.
Best case senerio: Bush is the permanent member. They release a new CD with Bush, and we're all happy.

Just listen to Persistence of Time, and tell yourself, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home"
Jono said:
I started to open my mind a little bit to bands like nickelback and korn and such, not that I like them but I at least came to terms with the fact that they do have talent, i mean how else can you make a song that gets played on the radio? But if that happens I will hate them and once agian all new alternative metal and rock would suck and I would tell everyone and my fiance would get annoyed because anytime she would listen to them I would say they suck
Their songs are good but they get boring after awhile.I won't listen to them in the long run.
ThraxDude said:
Damn, Justin. I completely forgot about this thread. (beer kills your brain)
At first I thought this was a new thread, then I realized that Brent replied, and he doesn't do so these days.
No kidding. I wasn't paying attention to the dates, and then I saw Brent and thought "He has risen from the dead!"
Jono said:
I started to open my mind a little bit to bands like nickelback and korn and such, not that I like them but I at least came to terms with the fact that they do have talent, i mean how else can you make a song that gets played on the radio? But if that happens I will hate them and once agian all new alternative metal and rock would suck and I would tell everyone and my fiance would get annoyed because anytime she would listen to them I would say they suck
i don't deny that they have musical talent. i do deny that their music is good.