I was hoping that this was just a rumor...

axl rosenfeld

New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2002
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But it's true.

Don't get me wrong, I love Joey. He was always great to me and I grew up with the 'AtL" line-up. I really can't wait to see the shows. But with as much shit as Scott and Charlie give Gene $immons shit, I can only hope that this is a summer tour only thing. Are we talking a full set of PoT and before only material? Is Joey going to do any Bush era material? I'd like to hear his take on it.

I think it's great that they are getting a well deserved spot on the Ozzfest mainstage. FINALLY! But did they have to sell their souls to Sharon to do it?

Frankie is back! I hope he's here to stay. Much love to Bello..bro we missed you!!

Dan Spitz. Looking good, but how relevant are you? Welcome to 2005.

Bushie, I hope that this is just a matter of you wanting to take care of businees at home. You've beautiful daughter and I hope you enjoy the time with her.

I think it's a step back. I really do. Just looking at the Sirius pics no one looks overly happy.

I'm still a dedicated fan and happy that there are going to be the old 5 guys flying over my house again.

But when the novelty has worn off, please wrap it up and bring John and Rob back.


I'm with you. 100%.

A couple of things annoy me about the Joey-era records: one was the production, it just wasn't as in your face as the Bush-era records; the other was Joey's voice. I remember listening to Only again and again and again and again on cassette single on my walkman. This singer had balls!

I've not been disappointed with the Bush-era Anthrax. I would so like Scott's comment about John not being out of Anthrax to be true. Greater of Two Evils blew me away. Nuff said. My perfect 'thrax line-up would be Scott, Charlie, Frank, Rob C and John Bush. Oh, that'll be the line-up I've seen most often too, I guess!