Speed Metal was a movement of the people

If you had brought your surfboard, you could Surf Nicaragua!!!!!!!! Had almost forgot about them.
War Pigs ~ My favorite cover version, the worst was Faith No More :yuk:
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
The opening riff on Ignorance is one of the best album openeing riffs to an album EVER!! (xept maybe March of The SOD)

Cue everyone's list of favourite album opening riffs :Smug:
DiscipleOfThePit said:
But ... And Justice for All was shite and boring!

Bands like Razor, Xentrix and Dark Angel put out plenty of good releases after 1988. What about Vio-lence, Heathen and the myriad of other bands who shat all over earlier Thrash?

well it may not count for anything but i didnt mind and justice,whatever works for the ears lol
i should also add that justice was the only album where u could handle all those long fucking songs lol,all those other bands couldnt hold a candle to em at the time!!!
Gator smooth said:
I would like to point out for everyone who may be new to the metal scene.

Back in the day when Reagenomics was destroying the U.S.A. and everybody
was engulfed in the totally staged cold war ,and the masses were listening to useless new wave music.

There was a group of musicians from L.A. to New York who went underground
to start up independent record labels and a form of music that was to be
a force to rekon with.

Thus Speed Metal was born it was about waking people up to the reality of what we were really facing not just in the states but worldwide.

At the same time YES the deadly 7 sins tore it down,pride, greed ,etc...

But not before it took hold of the minds of millions upon millions of people
and taught them to think freely.

Not so much Americans but people in like Germany and other parts of
the now known Eruopean Union who were there can tell you all about it.

Bands like Anthrax the original line up Megadeth Testament Overkill etc...

A. forced people to look at shit for what it is .

B. Gave people hope when they woke up to a even then little known fact that we live a lie
thru a totally controlled media

C. This thing we call speed metal was full of guy's that said fuck you we're not gonna do what you tell us!!!

Speed Metal was the 1980's version of the wood stock nation.

I have a news flash for you guys we need them back Joey was one of those guy's .

We need the Abbie Hoffman's of the speed metal era back to wake this
generation up if it is possible...

There prolly the only one's in any postion to do so.

Metal has alway's been and alway's will be more than just music.

Let me prove my point...

Right now you have forced microchipping of people in Spain, Mexico,
Horn of Africa ETC...

Man I would love to have some old school metal fans back me up here from overseas...

Here in the States you have no child left behind which is nothing more than
a forced drugging of children.

Patriot Act not just 1 but 1.5 and 2.0

You have American politicians selling out American people and out sorcing jobs

Forced vacinations with vacines that contain mercury and are totally untested.

We have family members dying in a Bullshit war for a fucking useless oil baron
Administration .

You have a police force being militarized and a total loss of freedom not
just here but world wide.

I can go on but I wont FUCKING WAKE UP METAL HEADS

Does it really matter who is singing for who I dont think so .

For those who dont know these things here are some credible web sites:





One thing I do know about the original Anthrax is they woke my ass up back in the 1980's

If they chose to with Joey being frontman they could do it again!!!!!!!!

Thanx for reading this

Crabmeat said:
Sacred Reich Fucking rocked!!
sacred reich. i misses them very much. great band. saw them twice in 1994. phil is a top bloke. great memories. anybody heard of the 3 disc set supposably coming out?? would post the ad but dont know how. it reads "old school is back in session! you wont want to miss this one...due to hit stores september 9th this 3isc set will include digitally remastered versions of surf ncaragua, ignorance, and a dvd full of lost sacred footage. a must have for all metal graduates. expect some bonus tracks too! this set will be a european import" cant wait for this one. :hotjump: