Speed Metal was a movement of the people

Gator smooth

New Metal Member
Sep 26, 2005
I would like to point out for everyone who may be new to the metal scene.

Back in the day when Reagenomics was destroying the U.S.A. and everybody
was engulfed in the totally staged cold war ,and the masses were listening to useless new wave music.

There was a group of musicians from L.A. to New York who went underground
to start up independent record labels and a form of music that was to be
a force to rekon with.

Thus Speed Metal was born it was about waking people up to the reality of what we were really facing not just in the states but worldwide.

At the same time YES the deadly 7 sins tore it down,pride, greed ,etc...

But not before it took hold of the minds of millions upon millions of people
and taught them to think freely.

Not so much Americans but people in like Germany and other parts of
the now known Eruopean Union who were there can tell you all about it.

Bands like Anthrax the original line up Megadeth Testament Overkill etc...

A. forced people to look at shit for what it is .

B. Gave people hope when they woke up to a even then little known fact that we live a lie
thru a totally controlled media

C. This thing we call speed metal was full of guy's that said fuck you we're not gonna do what you tell us!!!

Speed Metal was the 1980's version of the wood stock nation.

I have a news flash for you guys we need them back Joey was one of those guy's .

We need the Abbie Hoffman's of the speed metal era back to wake this
generation up if it is possible...

There prolly the only one's in any postion to do so.

Metal has alway's been and alway's will be more than just music.

Let me prove my point...

Right now you have forced microchipping of people in Spain, Mexico,
Horn of Africa ETC...

Man I would love to have some old school metal fans back me up here from overseas...

Here in the States you have no child left behind which is nothing more than
a forced drugging of children.

Patriot Act not just 1 but 1.5 and 2.0

You have American politicians selling out American people and out sorcing jobs

Forced vacinations with vacines that contain mercury and are totally untested.

We have family members dying in a Bullshit war for a fucking useless oil baron
Administration .

You have a police force being militarized and a total loss of freedom not
just here but world wide.

I can go on but I wont FUCKING WAKE UP METAL HEADS

Does it really matter who is singing for who I dont think so .

For those who dont know these things here are some credible web sites:





One thing I do know about the original Anthrax is they woke my ass up back in the 1980's

If they chose to with Joey being frontman they could do it again!!!!!!!!

Thanx for reading this
Put the bong down and relax.
Metal was not formed as a political statement.
It was formed because teenage kids wanted to pick up guitars and shred like no one before. It was about partying, getting laid, and have a balls-to-the-wall good time.
I guaranty you that James Hetfield wasn't looking at Reagan's successful policies and saying "Hey, I want to play speed metal to make a statement".

Take your liberal tree-hugging, conspiracy theory, paranoia to someplace that actually gives a rats ass. There are plenty of political message boards on the internet to waste time in. Here we are discussing Anthrax and all things related.

Now, don't get me wrong....You can post this rhetoric here all you want and I would love to debate you.......and I will.
But you're just opening a can-o-worms that doesn't need to be opened.

It serves no purpose.
Your call.

OK I was going to continue to stir the pot, but I wont I'll just make my

When you come to a fan cyber board you should see a bunch of fanatic,
rabid posts like what I posted .

Then you should see sober but hardcore post like the one behind mine
then stupid but funny shit like the one about smashing guitar over some
one's head which was my favorite .

But you shouldn't see abunch of bashing on the band that the sight
or cyber board is suppose to prop up.

So whether you like the old line up or the later line up or both
it should be said that everyone that had anything to do with
this band should be propped up not kicked in the teeth.

fans bashing each other is cool but leave the band alone as a whole.

debating each other is cool but me being a fan and coming here to find the
crap that I did was disapointing,that's all.

as far as the post I did I wanted to pick a possible hardcore subject
that would stir the shit up to prove my point.

I believe I did a good job.

As far as those sites thier fun reads but slanted like everything else in this life.

I hope I made my point .

Either you are a fan or not that's all
Hey, man, I won't bash you for your politics, but I think 20-25 years ago these metal dudes just wanted to play some kick-ass music on stage and do some fuckin' partying.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Speed Metal wasn't nearly as political as Thrash got in the late '80s.

Stuff like Exciter's Heavy Metal Maniac and Agent Steel's Skeptic Apocalypse never struck me as particularly political.
Gator smooth said:
OK I was going to continue to stir the pot, but I wont I'll just make my

When you come to a fan cyber board you should see a bunch of fanatic,
rabid posts like what I posted .

Then you should see sober but hardcore post like the one behind mine
then stupid but funny shit like the one about smashing guitar over some
one's head which was my favorite .

But you shouldn't see abunch of bashing on the band that the sight
or cyber board is suppose to prop up.

So whether you like the old line up or the later line up or both
it should be said that everyone that had anything to do with
this band should be propped up not kicked in the teeth.

fans bashing each other is cool but leave the band alone as a whole.

debating each other is cool but me being a fan and coming here to find the
crap that I did was disapointing,that's all.

as far as the post I did I wanted to pick a possible hardcore subject
that would stir the shit up to prove my point.

I believe I did a good job.

As far as those sites thier fun reads but slanted like everything else in this life.

I hope I made my point .

Either you are a fan or not that's all

Fair enough.
Don't get me wrong, I love a stirred pot and I love to debate politics.
However, I just thought it was the wrong place at the wrong time.
No animosity here.

I think we can all agree that we all have the same interest in the long run and that's to see Anthrax keep kicking ass for many years to come.

I actually like to see the harsh criticism on both sides.........I think it means we truly care about what happens to this band because it means so much to all of us.
If I were to come here and see a bunch of "oh, I don't know....." and "I don't really care".....I would be disappointed. I WANT people to care what happens to Anthrax.

Now personal attacks about either side are not constructive, but honest dissent about which version of Anthrax we would like to see in the future is welcome....dare I say, it is needed.

Rock on!
speed and thrash were good when I was a youngster, but damn that shit got boring after ...And Justice for All, give it up bro!!!! I got stacks of vinyl from the good old days but it will never come back in that form, that was then,this is now............
mmm great title for the new album!!!:)
gee and i thought metal and punk just provided a good background score for all the fucked up shit i did in the 80's. i already was a free thinker when thrash came out. it was a way to realease some aggression and, it wasn't "my parents music" as the beatles and stuff like that was.i liked the feel of the music . it made me wanna put my fist through a wall. if somebody was singing about something intesting that was a bonus. i always thought the punkers were way more into making a political statement than the metal heads and, the metal guys always had satan to fall back on. :headbang:
DarbysDad said:
Movement of the what - you're thinking of punk moron. What do you think influenced speend metal.
jello biafra probley had more political shit stuffed into 5 dead kennedys albums than the whole metal club combined.
DarbysDad said:
Movement of the what - you're thinking of punk moron. What do you think influenced speend metal.

Exactly! You want political? Go to punk: DK, DRI, ST, Reagan's Youth, MDC,etc.

"Bang Your head like you never did before" doth not a political statement make :Smug:
dutchy said:
speed and thrash were good when I was a youngster, but damn that shit got boring after ...And Justice for All, give it up bro!!!! I got stacks of vinyl from the good old days but it will never come back in that form, that was then,this is now............
mmm great title for the new album!!!:)

But ... And Justice for All was shite and boring!

Bands like Razor, Xentrix and Dark Angel put out plenty of good releases after 1988. What about Vio-lence, Heathen and the myriad of other bands who shat all over earlier Thrash?
DiscipleOfThePit said:
But ... And Justice for All was shite and boring!

Bands like Razor, Xentrix and Dark Angel put out plenty of good releases after 1988. What about Vio-lence, Heathen and the myriad of other bands who shat all over earlier Thrash?

........justice was 100% pure shite!!!!!
after this album it became a trend to make long and boring songs!!!

I loved Sacred Reich and Death Angel and the 1st 3 Exodus albums :)