I am leaving. Yes you won’t see me any more


is zayebated
Dec 31, 2005
I am leaving you guys, gals, officially on 7th of August.
I am moving to Germany leaving behind my life (as I knew it till today), my family, and my friends. It was supposed to happen sooner or and stuff like that happen all the time, the little bird leaves it nest and start on it own… but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast and instant.
Leaving my privacy, my free time, my habits, self pride and facing new reality actually scares me when I’m thinking about it healthy judging mind. so I try to avoid this and just accept it as another day. so what! So tomorrow I will wake up in different country that I don’t understand too well the local language and not familiar with the landscape nothing special and I got to tell you the attitude helps it really do makes it easier
Before I am leaving I still have so many things to do like paper work for example with the local authorities and make everything clear and official that they won’t get me by surprise if I ever decide to visit.
To say good bye to every one… its god damn strange! some body you know for so many years and you inform him “hey man, you won’t see me any more”
This really made me to revalue my family, till now days I knew that there is my mom my dad my sister and suddenly they’re all gone, I really start to appreciate the moments I can spend with them. To bad we understand things when it’s too late
I also need to finish some recordings that I am doing right now and I am going to share them with you for sure before I am leaving.
Though when I arrive to Germany there is my wife waiting for me :)
Why she is there and I am here? Well… she went there to continue her studies and now I am reuniting with her and it feels wonderful!
And it actually makes it all not so scary.
On one hand it is happy even on the other I am saying good bye to my life that I knew.
I guess I can call you a hero if you finished reading to this point and I want to say for the last
Rock on!!! guys and gals and see you on Wacken and who knows maybe in some other different circumstances

With love and hate
good luck and dont raise your right hand high in the air or you'll have 5 nazi dicks in your asshole before you can say "mein führer"
and thanks for calling me a hero :)
Ruins said:
I am leaving you guys, gals, officially on 7th of August.
I am moving to Germany leaving behind my life (as I knew it till today), my family, and my friends. It was supposed to happen sooner or and stuff like that happen all the time, the little bird leaves it nest and start on it own… but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast and instant.
Leaving my privacy, my free time, my habits, self pride and facing new reality actually scares me when I’m thinking about it healthy judging mind. so I try to avoid this and just accept it as another day. so what! So tomorrow I will wake up in different country that I don’t understand too well the local language and not familiar with the landscape nothing special and I got to tell you the attitude helps it really do makes it easier
Before I am leaving I still have so many things to do like paper work for example with the local authorities and make everything clear and official that they won’t get me by surprise if I ever decide to visit.
To say good bye to every one… its god damn strange! some body you know for so many years and you inform him “hey man, you won’t see me any more”
This really made me to revalue my family, till now days I knew that there is my mom my dad my sister and suddenly they’re all gone, I really start to appreciate the moments I can spend with them. To bad we understand things when it’s too late
I also need to finish some recordings that I am doing right now and I am going to share them with you for sure before I am leaving.
Though when I arrive to Germany there is my wife waiting for me :)
Why she is there and I am here? Well… she went there to continue her studies and now I am reuniting with her and it feels wonderful!
And it actually makes it all not so scary.
On one hand it is happy even on the other I am saying good bye to my life that I knew.
I guess I can call you a hero if you finished reading to this point and I want to say for the last
Rock on!!! guys and gals and see you on Wacken and who knows maybe in some other different circumstances

With love and hate
good luck on your new life bro... but this travel also means goodbye to UM forever? :cry:
good luck man, im sure you'll have fun, after all, its not like you arent ever gonna see your family and friends again.

Ruins has been a dick to me eversince I joined here *Looks at nirvana-style nickname*

But still...good luck man....u have a wife o_O???
KillerGon said:
good luck on your new life bro... but this travel also means goodbye to UM forever? :cry:

i hope its not but for sure it means i wont be able to log online for quite a while, i will go online from internet coffee or friends time to time but this will be rare :(

Draznog said:
im going to miss ruins he's like my hetrosexual boyfriend.
:lol: damn now that i know i am going to miss that too

Lithium said:

Ruins has been a dick to me eversince I joined here *Looks at nirvana-style nickname*

But still...good luck man....u have a wife o_O???

come on man tell me you didn't like it!!!1 if i wouldn't do it who would?
and since i stopped doing this crap you can see how this place died out :saint:

@ every body else
thank you very much i didn't know that people like me so much here :lol:
and i will try to be online and post to let ya know i am alive and stuff and for sure meat you all on wacken!
Ruins said:
@ every body else
thank you very much i didn't know that people like me so much here :lol:
and i will try to be online and post to let ya know i am alive and stuff and for sure meat you all on wacken!
we dont really like you, we're just being polite :lol: