A Chill from the North


Satan, Ruiner of Stereos
Yeah, so...

Hey... I'm Sindre, and I hail from the north of Norway. Being thus geographically handicapped I am given to bitching, binge-drinking and ruing the day of my birth.

When I am not out hunting for polar bears I can usually be found crouching down in stranded whale carcasses for warmth and/or my own amusement.

All of this is, of course, complete shit (except the part about being from northern Norway. Oh, and the name, too). I play bass, write jams and assemble doomed-to-fail bands from whatever riff-raff is around, and that's about that.

Hei Sindre :-)
Just read you're post and saw nobody has answered yet..well..I have now ;-) But I'm also new in the forum! I'm also from the north..of Germany. Just have a look I also wrote a little introduction. Where in the north do you live? I love Scandinavia, but so far only have been to Sweden and Finland, Norway is on my to do list! I want to learn norsk, it's such a beautiful language. Snakker du bokmål eller nynorsk? I guess nynorsk, well, I learned a bit of Swedish already, think I'll end up with a funny mix..haha.. well, so much, take care while you're out hunting bears ;-) - or is it rather berries? Not anymore most likely, it's alreadyx snowing, isn't it? Bye, Bea :-)