A collection of excellent reviews

Originally posted by Lord K
Yeah, isn´t it lovely?
I have so missed these boards and all the whining kids.
Good to be back.

why did you post your reviews if you cant cope with some feedback without having to attack with some shit about whining kids...? i think you've showed who's the "kid" in here and who really has to grow up. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
That third person gimmick gets old after about 3 sentences.

Got anything other than that to say? Or did you just read one and assume they're all the same.

Color me shocked: ignorance on a message board. Never thought I'd actually see it.

Originally posted by Lord K
I didn´t mean this thread specifically, I should have been more clear about that.
I meant the overall-board.

Gå och lägg dig nu unge.

bah... are you trying to aviod attention by taunting me in swedish now eh? since you keep addressing people as "kids" i would very much like to know your oh so respectable age... or are you just addressing others as kids due to your apparent intellecual advantage?
Dude I read in your reviews where you dug the hell out of Korn's Follow the Leader?? Pshh bitch if anything you're a GAY LORD..but definitely not even the lamest motherfucker on this websites LORD and Saviour..
Ouch, that hurts. I really must stop writing for various sites and magazines .
Constructive criticism is such a bitch. "Boofuckenhoo, you like Korn, you are so gay you fag".
I wanna be like you kid, color me shocked, I was told back by a 13 year old.


Internet brings forth the coolest of children.
well i managed to stay awake long enough to read your reviews, and i must say i like 'em. this is perhaps the perfect way of reviewing this type of music, brutal reviews of brutal music, hehe
always nice to get insulted to when you read one :)
nice work.
Oh please..you hail In Flames Reroute to Remain but give Meshuggah's Nothing a 6 out of 10? You must be kidding me. Excellent? What the fuck ever. When you go off and start making the music, which takes some effort, rather than criticizing it, which doesn't take any more brain power than an ignorant fuck like yourself has to churn out your opinion might make a shit.
And for the record, I'm nowhere near 13. Nor do I find it necessary to insult everyone with homosexual terms. The term Gaylord, however, fit with your alias. I suppose you were too busy reigning supreme seeing as you're Mr. Badass and all to see the connection.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
Oh please..you hail In Flames Reroute to Remain but give Meshuggah's Nothing a 6 out of 10? You must be kidding me. Excellent? What the fuck ever. When you go off and start making the music, which takes some effort, rather than criticizing it, which doesn't take any more brain power than an ignorant fuck like yourself has to churn out your opinion might make a shit.

That´s just so sweet kid. I released my first album in 91, the latest in 2001. Livealbum coming in February 2003. New album coming in April 2003. Sorry to destroy your argument about "another guy not being able to play music, therefore he´s criticizing it".
Nowhere near 13 you said? I was exaggerating. If you want to state yer mature comments personally to me, I´m not that hard to get hold of, contactinfo is at the site.
It´s a little bit too easy to be the tough guy in front of yer monitor, we see this everyday, it´s a shame you don´t have what it takes outside this.

Oh, I must apologize for praising In Flames and "dissing" Meshuggah, damn, I should have thought of you being all crying and shit. I really have to make sure all people are chuffed with the reviews. I don´t let the fact that I know the guys involved in some of the reviews make my judgement, my reviews are not affected by that, unlike many others´.

"When you go off and start making the music, which takes some effort, rather than criticizing it, which doesn't take any more brain power than an ignorant fuck like yourself has to churn out your opinion might make a shit."

You should write fiction man, you are that good. Put yer money where your mouth is and think about this sentence of yours again... Don´t tell me I have to explain it to you, but you shouldn´t really throw stones while being in a glass-house.

You just don´t get it do you?
Reviews reflects personal opinions. Lemme say that again coz I´m sure you missed out on it.

"Reviews reflects personal opinions." Want to have it in bold letters in case you didn´t get that either?

"Reviews reflects personal opinions."
There, both bold and italic, not even you can miss out on the message now.

You are just a few cards short of a deck.

Grow right the fuck up kid.
You amuse me though, I´ll give you that. "Nothing near 13", I think we all have noticed that. I didn´t think you´ll provide us with that laugh on yer behalf though, but thanx.

Hopefully we´ll see you on tour, I´ll put you on the guestlist for the great laughs you give us. That´s how much we appreciate your intellectual knowledge and superior talk-backs. "Nowhere near 13", that still cracks me up, we´ll make sure we don´t play places with alcohol being served then, we really want you inside the club.

You go girl!
I salute you with the horns! Our guitarist just has a cheer for ya.

By stating that, you are my idol.
Good to see someone around here bringing the buscuits to the picnic and not leaving them at home like the kid does.

Why do 13 year old kids always get mad when you call them 13 year old kids? Tricky tricky....
Yo Lord, have you listened to either of the new records from 'Beyond The Embrace' or 'Ablaze My Sorrow'? Just curious as to how you'll insult people in those reviews. Love 'em myself but interested in your opinion.