A concept album?


New Metal Member
Sep 27, 2002
San Diego
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Hey all,

I was playing some Enchant in the car and my wife was saying: "these guys are really good because they are song oritented...unlike you're DT". (She hates Train of Tought!!!). I have been listening to Enchant since aBPotW (was that in 1993 or so) when me and my wife (girlfriend at the time!) moved in together in our first appt.

Song oriented...sure that's what I like to about enchant. The fact that they are so melodic ON TOP of being skilled muscicians and vocalist. A "prog" classification is unavoidable to me regardless how accesible the music is.

Finally to my point. Does anybody else think that Enchant would be a great band to attempt writting a concept album? Now that they have a full team, it might be the best time for such a project. I sure would like to see them experiment with new songwritting techniques.


I've actually wondered that myself, beings as I have a fetish for concept albums.

If they wanted to give it a shot, I'd obviously love to hear the result, but it's true that they've pretty much always been very song oriented so I don't have any idea what to expect out of them doing something different.

But then again, I'd buy an album of each of the Enchant guys farting into a mic, so what do I know. ;)
If it's a good concept album, then definitely. I just hope they would stay within their limits and not expand it to a gigantic concept and keep it within the time frame of their usual albums. Not to mention a really good concept, not something stupid.
I dont see the point of enchant doing a concept album because i think every one of there songs is a story in its self and i rather that theres not one enchant song that no one can say " yeah i been tho that, felt like that" beautifull is the one song that is so touching thanks guys seen you lot in london what a show im 18 now but been listening to your music since i was 14ish can wait for the dvd hope i get the chance to watch your guys live again best gig ever
I'm guessing that she's referrineg to Enchant using more refrains than DT. That would make them sound more "song oriented".

Personally, I would consider DT to be mostly song-oriented. Moreso than bands like ELP, Flower Kings, Glass Hammer, Genesis, IQ, etc...

np: The Masters
I was JUST thinking about this myself the other day. I'd love for the band to take a shot at a concept album if they had an idea they liked - hell, look at SAGA'S Generation 13? I LOVE that disc and never expected THEM to do a concept album!
I think at least what needs to happen to zap some energy into enchant from 'non hardcore fans' is a bold and very different record from enchant. the last 3 or 4 have been VERY similar...

I mean, I Like them and all, but I fear that enchant will get more lost in the fold if they keep putting out these (basically same length) songs and albums.

A concept album with an enchant vibe would CERTAINTLY catch the eyes of MANY in the rock/prog world.

Even an album with an epic in it, at least...

Something different is without a doubt, necessary.
Well it has been discussed.

Doug has brought this idea up more than a few times, we have talked about it :loco: yes we are crazy to even thyink about it! It would be really hard to do right!

How many good concept albums are there? like not many at all? I guess if anyone is going to do it right then we would surely do our very best to nail it?

There is a point to it and we can tell a story but it is not at all easy to do unless the concept is pretty amazing!

Thanks for the post!

Peruvian Tide ) I can appreciate your post and have to agree with you for the most part, although we have done a few things differant, nothing major though, thats a big step.

Thanks for the honesty I think you are right! There have been a lot of things to factor in however! Don,t be surprised if we change things up a bit though.:D

NP : Water Under the Bridge ( Kevin Gilbert )

PeruvianTide said:
I think at least what needs to happen to zap some energy into enchant from 'non hardcore fans' is a bold and very different record from enchant. the last 3 or 4 have been VERY similar...

I mean, I Like them and all, but I fear that enchant will get more lost in the fold if they keep putting out these (basically same length) songs and albums.

A concept album with an enchant vibe would CERTAINTLY catch the eyes of MANY in the rock/prog world.

Even an album with an epic in it, at least...

Something different is without a doubt, necessary.
Personally, I think that while some basic sonic qualities are the same over the past four albums (as it should be with any band and it's 'sound'), I can definitely see a progression of 'fine tuning' of the bands sound IMHO - especially in the latest album. When speaking with Doug at the IMusicast show, I told him I could see a definite 'refinement' of sound between Blink and this latest Cd - it just has this slightly different VIBE I immediately picked up on (the band, truly being a BAND/UNIT again perhaps?...) - he laughed because he said 'Yeah me too' , and yet when he played it for someone from the record company, he told me the guy said "Sounds good - sounds just like Blink". :err:

So I guess it's all up to the individual and their musical ear.

As for concept albums, yes, they can definitely go wrong if you don't have a good story - I love SUPERIOR but I was majorly dissapointed with Ultima Ratio as I thought the concept (as well as the execution of the concept material on the CD - ie, people talking, etc...) could have been better.

My top five that immediately come to mind:

Scenes from A Memory - DT
Operation: Mindcrime - Ryche
The Electric Castle - Ayreon
In Search Of The Truth - Evergrey
Generation 13 - Saga

And if there's anyone I trust to take a shot at this kind of album, it's ENCHANT! (and somehow I had already guessed Doug had thoughts of a concept album :tickled: )

- I only have one request for it - plenty of solo bass parts!!!!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

(just cause, you know, Ed is The Man...)
I think that Enchant could pull it off easily. Their songwriting has always been very good. All they need to do is stick to a certain theme.

I like conceptalbums very much. The Wall, Misplaced Childhood ,Operation Mindcrime,
The Ayreon albums, etc. They really stand out for me.
Boy here's a can of worms...

Does anyone really think of a concept album in its entirety...C'mon be honest. The Lamb 4 example is a killer album, but I always go back to TRACKS that make it so special (the song IT may be one of my favorite Genesis tunes of all time). No matter how cohesive an "epic" is, it is song writing and performance together that makes it all happen. All of the concepts that have been mentioned in this thread have some pretty fuckin weak tracks AND some that have brought me to tears (and this is what I define as Prog Rock--anything that brings me to tears). The Lamb and Snow were the closest things that made me believe that this idea could work (and DAMN were they similar) but remember it is the music that moves mountains. The coolest thing about my "Tell me your favorite tracks by album thread" was that I went back and checked out all of YOUR faves. Man have I been missing some UNBELIEVABLE shit. Whom ever picked Eylise on J9D10--YOU ARE A GOD!!! It is nearly impossible to make a concept work from start to finish--maybe because we all agree to disagree--and that's great. Enchant needs to put out 5 albums each week to keep my habit satisfyed (Yeah, I've got a problem) but linking them, I dunno...If you don't think I'm on target here, Listen to every track that is on my "Faves by album thread" it'll shock you. These guys need to do what ever hits 'em at the time and lay it down, I'll be happy with that, they have not yet lost their Marbles...(Ocean Cloud DID move me to tears though...)
Yeah I hear where you're coming from Hen Act in regards to weak tracks but I DO believe there are some concept albums that hold together all the way through without 'weak' tracks. In my picks, In Search of the Truth by Evergrey does NOT have one weak song and (again, IMO) MINDCRIME holds together for me ALL the way through.

Into The Electric Castle has a few tracks that are not as 'strong' as others but even with that, I never feel like I'm getting the FULL experience of the album unless I hear the narrator at the beginning saying "Welcome...." and then go all the way through to hear him at the end and when the surviving travelers are all returned to their times. [and Scenes From a Memory is actually sorta that way for me too...]

And Disco - The Wall - yah, bring it on, Chief. I DID say those were my opinion picks - just not a big fan of The Wall. :loco:
As usual, Lurker is no Dodo...although one could argue Kayleigh and Lavender were out of place on that album. Killer prog with two pop tunes, but let's face it, they were GOOD pop tunes. Chalk one up for the pro-Concept album guys (Hen Act is still not convinced).