a couple of pre production mixes 6505 blah blah blah


more metal, more booze!!!
Don't dig these guitars at all, sorry. Really odd scoop, kinda plasticky (usually guitarist's fault), and fizzy, although I kinda dig the fizz. Put some more mids into those ASAP.

The drums are REALLY punchy.. maybe too punchy. The snare also has a really odd, phasey decay?

Bass sounds sick, really nice.
The guitar tone seems workable, it's not that bad imho...
The snare has a weird transient, sounds unnatural and too upfront on the attack, it doesn't sit well in the mix, probably because of the compression settings or maybe the transient shaping (if you've used it...).
Bass is good but boomy, I would compress the 100Hz area...
The tone it´s not bad at all just scooped but the snare sounds too thin. If you work this problems this could turn to a great mix.
Sounds good Mark, but still needs a lil more mids and that snare needs thickening up/less compression.

Take a listen to Throwing Your Life Away by Spiritual Beggars. I think you need to nail that kinda sound.
Take a listen to Throwing Your Life Away by Spiritual Beggars. I think you need to nail that kinda sound.

Try more mids on the guitar, and more ambience on the drums

Anyway good groove and feel, also sounds very tight!
And sure, this song is good company for a good beer :kickass: