here's a little thing:
i was waiting for my friend to call tonight, i'd say it was around 11 pm sharp, when i heard a bunch of gorilla-like war whooping outside.
i turned out the lights and peeked through the blinds to witness, directly across the street, a pack of young college kids huddled in some sort of rat-king (but facing each other), screaming stuff like "FUCK" "PARTAY" and "GAMMA GAMMA OMEGA" -- and then two crossed the street, screaming 'FUCKKKKKK" louder, banging their fists on the street pavement, and begging their friends to stop the awesome chanting and just to go with them to do more ferocious "PAAARRRRTTTEEEE" shit. they were also waving at cars going by and very near my parked car and i kept thinking about my CDs getting stolen during the summer.
so i pulled a dick move and called campus security on them (they belonged to the college across the street). and i hate cops. and i told the fake cops that these kids were throwing shit at cars. i made it all up. i've never done this before.
and the dude goes "i'll send someone right over".
meanwhile these kids are screaming and pissing into the trashcans at the bus terminal.
the security never came.
the gang trickled away slowly. my friend called.
is that not fucked?