A day late for International Women's Day, but still important.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
The FDA finally decided that they would warn women of the U.S.A that the Asbestos in your tampons is possibly harmful. Originally, Proctor and Gamble, the makers and distributers of hundreds of harmful products, put asbestos into the BLEACHED cotton fibers to help you bleed more. Why? So you can buy more. Much like the tobacco and the junk food they test on animals and distribute.

The FDA said that they didn't see this harmful because you're not ingesting or inhaling it. I guess over-bleeding, iron deficientcy, cervical cancer and UTI problems aren't a problem at all. Neither is the cancer causing agent BLEACH.

Please: Buy organic, nonbleached 100% cotton tampons and any other products that you can that is not by this volitile corporation. I'm sure it's expensive, but, much like I tell clients, so are medical bills. You're health is everything.

Don't let this be over looked. Tell your friends. Repost this. Research this further.

These could also be men with lots of money and lobbies that don't want you to have birth control or reproductive rights. Boycott CVS pharmacy, Proctor and gamble, Blockbuster, Dominos Pizza and George Bush. I'm sure there's a lot more, but this is all I got for now.


International Women's Day info
That rules that it's from 1998, I just got this "warning" today on myspace. I love how computer technology is constantly becoming outdated, but stupid internet lies live forever.

PS: This thread was a joke, thought that'd be obvious enough. :loco:
Not always obvious to me anymore. I've seen too many threads where outraged people (usually DMB fans) are ranting about Bonsai Kittens or Cola being poisoned. :lol:
Oh yeah, my bro was dating this dumb bitch for awhile that talked ALL THE FUCKING TIME (highly annoying but had big titties, so we all called it a draw), she was addicted to email forwards. It was funny because whenever she got a political email she'd send it to me asking "is this true?" since I was the so-called expert because I have a political science degree. Every time, I wouldn't even read the email, I'd just respond with "No matter what this email says, it's a lie, just like every other forwarded email you've ever received." Yet she kept sending them: "Adrian, is this true?"

Actually, that's not funny. That's fucking sad. Man that broad was annoying. She moved to Hollywood to be an actor. Have fun, smell you later.
Here in Norway, A panzer lesbian womens rights extremist group hired some goons to mess up a sex-shop... I'm so glad they've got their priorities right... Women are being stoned in Nigeria for being unfaithful, and these bullies are having slogans like "Let the porn burn"... It's quite silly...
lizard said:
urban legends are so fun....every once in a while that one about Freddie Mercury/Elton John/Rod Stewart being hospitalized for having a stomach full of semen rolls around and it's like, woooooooo!
Oh shit, that one predates the Internet, that was a playground rumour from like 1987! It was always one of the NKOTB kids, funny stuff.

@mousewings, oh my that Bonsai kitten is the best, I've seen so many people just completely freaked out over that, it's awesome!
Why do they need a day to themselves? Admit we should equal out the rights, but not stand on a pedestal for a day and preach to me. I feel the same way about Black History Month and Sundays.