A dream about the Maidens

It was really weird but last night I had a really cool dream about the Maidens. We were all having a party on the beach with loads of other people and then Bruce Dickinson comes along dressed in shorts and t-shirt and gets everyone to pose for a group photo. So I'm sitting in the middle of all the Maidens and we're all giving the \m/and then Bruce looks down from the camera, shakes his head and tells us not to do them cos he doesn't like them. Ok then... :err:

Was still a cool dream tho!! :loco:
Metallicat180 said:
Bruce Dickinson comes along dressed in shorts and t-shirt :loco:
Now this dream sounds like fun! ;) I used to dream quite vividly, but since I started training in martial arts I rarely have dreams (or at least I don't remember them! ) I guess all that mental and physical exercise exorcises my demons in the waking hours! :grin:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I can't believe I just posted that. Oh well. I'm sure I am not alone on this one....I hope?

Don't worry, your not! Hey, at least you didn't post his name so it's all good!! :grin:

I had a similar dream about my brother-in-law who is an alcoholic asshole. I simply cannot stand him. When I was pregnant of my son, we used to fight like cats and dogs. That's why I was pissed at my husband because we were living in his mother's house and I was hating life. I gave up my own apartment to move in with him (at mommy's!). So we used to say that I was allergic to him. Needless to say, my son looks A LOT like him. The torture continues!! :waah: The only good thing is that my son, thanks to the Creator, doesn't act like him!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Ever have a dream you were in a compromising position with someone you would NEVER be caught DEAD with???? EWWWWW! That's my episode last night! Blegh! Just fascinating.
Hahahaha!!!! I've never had that, or one about someone I liked either!!! The only times I've dreamt about nice guys they've been my friend, which I suppose is better than nothing eh??
Air Raid Siren said:
Now this dream sounds like fun! ;) I used to dream quite vividly, but since I started training in martial arts I rarely have dreams (or at least I don't remember them! ) I guess all that mental and physical exercise exorcises my demons in the waking hours! :grin:
I would hate that! I love my dreams - only cos they usually to with all my favourite bands and me getting to hang out or play on stage with them!! Hehe! I've had many a Metallica dream where James has dragged me onto the stage - if only!!!! :D :D
Metallicat180 said:
I would hate that! I love my dreams - only cos they usually to with all my favourite bands and me getting to hang out or play on stage with them!! Hehe! I've had many a Metallica dream where James has dragged me onto the stage - if only!!!! :D :D
If I were having fun ones like yours, it would be a different story! But the only dreams I seem to remember are the weird ones. So I don't mind a bit! :grin:
I had a very strange dream once about being in a war, and oddly enough the front line was in my parents neigbors front yard. I was on my belly shooting at something when I take a bullet to my finger. Wasn't bad, didn't blow it off or anything. So the medic comes over who happens to look exactly like whats-his-name from Scary Movie 3 with the "little hand". He takes a look, then pulls out some gardening shears and lops the finger off! For some reason this was probably the most vivid dream I had had in years. I could hear all the sounds of things going on around me, feel the cold wet ground as I lay there, and worst of all, felt the shears take my finger off, as well as hear the little crunch of the bone breaking. I can even tell you that it was the left index finger! I woke up immediatly after that, and had some trouble going back to sleep later on. Very strange... :hypno: