A fan from France


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2004
Nantes. France
First, thank you very much for your great music !

I've just bought your CD "Live at last" that I heard in loop :goggly: , wonderful work guys ! :rock:

I've got a question for Ed : the sound of your bass synthesizer provides from Taurus ?

I'm looking forward to seeing you in France and to watching your DVD !

See you soon


Thank you for checking in and for the kind words Francois.

You must be a fellow bassist looking at the avatar man. Nice.

Hey I use Fast Forward MIDI Steps run through an Oberheim Matrix 1000.

Hey we are looking forward to being seen in France soon as well!

NP : CG3 : Red Iguana

Franzy said:
First, thank you very much for your great music !

I've just bought your CD "Live at last" that I heard in loop :goggly: , wonderful work guys ! :rock:

I've got a question for Ed : the sound of your bass synthesizer provides from Taurus ?

I'm looking forward to seeing you in France and to watching your DVD !

See you soon


Hey ! Glad to see another francophone here ... I am too ... from Southern Belgium :goggly: But living and working in Singapore for 6 years.

I think I will buy the DVD 'Live at last' instead of the double CD, same as I do for Threshold 'Critical Energy' ... and Yes, I have all other Enchant albums, no need to ask, and I just miss this one :grin: I just hope I can source a region 3 DVD or maybe a region 0.

Take care,
Hi! I´m new here (posting)...
Amazon.com says that the dvd is region 1, I hope they're wrong, but I´ve already buy it anyway.
Thank you for this welcome ! :)

Don't worry, Jürgen, I have got almost theirs cds and I believe that I'm going to buy those that miss me ;
In fact, I know Enchant since a longtime already : I've seen them in Paris in first part of the Marillion's concert in 1995 96
I couldn't go to Paris for the Tug of war's Tour :confused: but the next time they'll come to France, I don't miss them :grin:

Thank you Ed for the information :worship: , yes, I was a bass player in the KERYS'S group but the group is over now. You can listen to some Mp3 on the site:http://www.kerys.net/
I'm training on your bass parts, not easy :loco:

Ze Dan said:
Hey I knew Kerys ! so if the band's over now what are you up to these days ?

Ben en fait, Zi DAN, le groupe Kerys n'est pas vraiment dissolu :
Le problème vient du fait que je ne suis pas intermittent :erk:
Et donc je ne peux plus suivre les repets et tout le reste :confused:
donc on m’a remplacé par un intermittent et de plus ils ont monté plusieurs groupes en parallèle avec les mêmes musicos pour pouvoir avoir leurs quota de dates !
et expliquer tout cela en anglais sur le site :loco: ... heu ... j'ai donc fait plus court