A few questions about food.

I've found now that I've reworked my weights training and added 3 cardio sessions into my workouts each week I'm ALWAYS hungry... The only time I'm not hungry is while I'm eating. It's weird... but hey maybe James knows some nice high-protein, high-carbo diets for us :)
Moonlapse said:
I've found now that I've reworked my weights training and added 3 cardio sessions into my workouts each week I'm ALWAYS hungry... The only time I'm not hungry is while I'm eating. It's weird... but hey maybe James knows some nice high-protein, high-carbo diets for us :)
How essential is cardio in your opinion with regards to body building? Also, what protien shakes do you take, if any? My brother takes Musashi [Vanilla] and it tastes great!

And yeah, I'm always open to any recipes/diet suggestions from James :D
Here is my humble and simple no-brainer healthy snack (I'm not sure how hyper-glycemic it may be though).

The Healthy Bitch Sandwich. [HB for short]

-Two slices of wheat/brown bread.
-Low fat cheese of your choice (optional).
-Cucumber/Zucchini slices.
-Carrot slices.
-Shredded Lettuce.
-Capsicum slices/dices.
-Tomato slices.
-Sliced Olives (Without pit obviously, green or black).
-Pickle slices (The kind that's dipped in vinegar).
-Sliced Onions.
-Mild Sweet Chilli sauce.

Yeah it takes a while to slice and organise all the ingredients, but it tastes delicious. Good luck making sure none of the contents fall out though :D
Nitronium Blood said:
How essential is cardio in your opinion with regards to body building? Also, what protien shakes do you take, if any? My brother takes Musashi [Vanilla] and it tastes great!

And yeah, I'm always open to any recipes/diet suggestions from James :D

Well it really depends on what you're trying to do. Most people who body build look toward bulking up for a start, in which case cardio isn't essential. It starts becoming more and more necessary if you want to cut up though, and actually have some body definition as opposed to just being a huge glob of mass.

I've just started with it, but I've found it's important to do it just to feel healthy. It just doesn't feel too pleasant to constantly eat as much protein and carbohydrates as you can, then push your body to its limits, without actually being fit.

So even if someone is just bulking, it could be nice just to do like 2 or 3 20 min sessions of cardio a week.

And aside from that, it just feels really disappointing having very defined abs, but not being able to see them through all the fat, haha.

I don't take any protein shakes, nor any other supplements at the moment. I may start soon though. I've read that the best way to get protein to the body is through ingesting meat anyway. There's too many supplements out there... wouldn't even know where to start, haha.
Moonlapse said:
Well it really depends on what you're trying to do. Most people who body build look toward bulking up for a start, in which case cardio isn't essential. It starts becoming more and more necessary if you want to cut up though, and actually have some body definition as opposed to just being a huge glob of mass.

I've just started with it, but I've found it's important to do it just to feel healthy. It just doesn't feel too pleasant to constantly eat as much protein and carbohydrates as you can, then push your body to its limits, without actually being fit.

So even if someone is just bulking, it could be nice just to do like 2 or 3 20 min sessions of cardio a week.

And aside from that, it just feels really disappointing having very defined abs, but not being able to see them through all the fat, haha.

I don't take any protein shakes, nor any other supplements at the moment. I may start soon though. I've read that the best way to get protein to the body is through ingesting meat anyway. There's too many supplements out there... wouldn't even know where to start, haha.
Thanks for the info dude. :)
I love talking about good food....
and although no one asked me what is my favorote food, I can say without any doubt...



I can probbaly live on Sushi, Fruits, good cheeses and wine ONLY til the day I die.
i'm with Lioness on the Sushi.. love it

i love mexican food too.. not the healthiest.

i seriously need to get back to doing some cardio: running

i'm also basically a poultry-tarian. not strictly at all, but i don't eat a whole lot of red meant.. and no pork at all.

and i eat waaaay too many sweets, usually gummi types. gotta quit with that.

love veggies.. steamed usually.

James Murphy said:
i'm with Lioness on the Sushi.. love it

i love mexican food too.. not the healthiest.

i seriously need to get back to doing some cardio: running

i'm also basically a poultry-tarian. not strictly at all, but i don't eat a whole lot of red meant.. and no pork at all.

and i eat waaaay too many sweets, usually gummi types. gotta quit with that.

love veggies.. steamed usually.


that just made me hungry
^ me too......
I'm totally addicted to jelly beans...

but i eat healthy (at leats try to..)
just like you I eat chicken and sea food 99% of the time...

I eat healthy and all, but can never stop with the Jelly beans and a Swedish
candy that called Billar that I buy at Ikea by the caes...
.. *says and hides beind the couch*
James Murphy said:
i'm with Lioness on the Sushi.. love it

i love mexican food too.. not the healthiest.

i seriously need to get back to doing some cardio: running

i'm also basically a poultry-tarian. not strictly at all, but i don't eat a whole lot of red meant.. and no pork at all.

and i eat waaaay too many sweets, usually gummi types. gotta quit with that.

love veggies.. steamed usually.

Aah you finally replied! :) Thank you for the info kind sir.

You know aside from my HB, I love Sushi and Poultry too. And CHEESEBURGERS. AND PIZZA. AND CHOCOLATE.
James Murphy said:
i seriously need to get back to doing some cardio: running

Should've joined Warrel when the guys were tracking 'This Godless Endeavor' :). I personally can't resist the urge to join in for a workout with people. It's a lot more fun that way. I personally find most cardio excercises really really boring and hard to stick to.