a flower for you

Honestly it really doesn't matter what order. The movie is damn good, and the book is beautifully written; start with whichever you wish.
:lol: I know that wasn't directed at virus, but it almost looks like you're mad at virus for not inviting you to hang out in L.A.
Which is funny because I already told him I want to hang out with him while I'm there. Maybe he's jealous because he wants me entirely to himself?

Is this directed at me? Shit, I have no idea what I'll be doing then, prob just studying. So maybe!
Awesome! I need to send all you bitches a PM so we can trade phone numbers and make plans. Expect it within a day or two.


Horns in the distance, resound through the air
The trebuchet's shape standst tall.
Attack is imminent, but I have no fear
I won't be dethroned.
As in 1282, when flames reached the sky,
I am ready again to swing my axe
And sound the horn to charge the besiegers
The hunters are hunted again.
I am born a king and will die a king
The blade of my axe is my witness.
The deceivers' blood paved my way to the throne
Now I am here to stay!
God's fire of hate and destruction is here to kill, But I shall triumph once again by the steel of my axe!
I sharpened my blade for all these years
Waiting to take my revenge.
The heads of those who tried to dethrone me
Will taste te cold steel, and then roll.
I took my path, my decisions are made
I now cheer with blood in my horn.
I reign my kingdom, your o nly choice to obey,
Speak to my axe then to me.
I am born a king and will die a king
The blade of my axe is my witness.
Deceivers' blood paves my way to the throne
I am here to stay!
God's fire of hate and destruction is here to ki.
I shall triumph once again by the steel of my axe!
I hail this land, my kingdom again
No mercy for the deceivers
Axe at my side, my reign is of steel
As of steel is my pride!!!!!!
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Sighs in the distance, resound through the air
The cupid's shape stands tall.
Cuddling is imminent, but I have no fear
I won't be left out.
As in 1282, when balloons reached the sky,
I am ready again to swing my basket
And sound the bell to charge the meadows
The lovers are loved again.
I am born a flower and will (not)die a flower
The dewdrop of my petal is my witness.
The lifegivers' milk paved my way to the child
Now I am here to nurse!
God's water of love and creation is here to heal, But I shall triumph once again by the kindness of my heart!

aww.. :blush: