A Guess at the Final Slot

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hello All,

I am sure most of us have been pondering who Glenn has lined up for the final slot for PPVIII. I know I can't wait to find out who he decides on. No matter who it is, I know it will be awesome. Glenn NEVER disappoints. So I am going to take a stab at who I think the final band will be. I am looking at the hints that Glenn has given us.

1. Might Be Controversial
2. Creating A Headliner

The Creating a Headliner could be views in many different ways. I am looking at it from the standpoint of that maybe it is a reunion of sorts. I could be taking the wrong approach here but this is how I am looking at it.

My guess to the final band is CRIMSON GLORY

The Controversy - Now that Midnight is back, when is the last time they put out anything? Do they have enough material? Transcendence is a classic CD not a weak song on there. Strange & Beautiful, what happened there? some good songs but not near the quality of the previous cd. Their debut was very good as well. Midnight himself could be a controversy. His last two solo cd's were less than perfect if you ask me, can his voice still do what we all would want it to do?

Creating a Headliner - They have rumored that they are back together. If this is the case, reunion time is on its way.

This is just my idea from the hints that have been given. What does the board see as the final slot given the clues that Glenn has dropped.

Hope this finds all of you well.

yeah CG would be cool. They would also fit in with Glenns newest clue "the band must have cross over appeal" see the latest NR thread.
I already guessed Crimson Glory in the 'one more band to guess' thread. If it aint them it'll be Watchtower ;)
It should be interesting in a couple of days. I have a feeling who it might be, but I won't divulge it for various reasons. Look forward to some announcment soon. Either the band accepts or back to square one.
I hate this guessing game, all I can say is I can't waiiiiiiiiiiiiit for his annoucement. :)
I'm still going with Brainstorm...Not just bc thats who I want. I think that the whole negotiating thing may just simply be with Andy trying to work things out since his other band Symphorce does have a new album out. I do believe Brainstorm would jump at this opportunity but think that since Andy is quite busy than it's alot more complicated than just jumping right on while trying to focus on performing with 2 different bands. I also think Brainstorm perfectly fits the whole "co-headlining with a crossover appeal" deal better than most bands that have been mentioned. Not to mention, almost everyone here has said they rocked the place at their last PP appearance. I could and probably am completely wrong here but I just have a good feeling Brainstorm may take that last spot.
I am hoping for Tarot myself with my back up guesses being Brainstorm or Masterplan.
I am hoping for Tarot myself with my back up guesses being Brainstorm or Masterplan.

I would really like to see Tarot, but I have a feeling the other two you mentioned are a lot more likely, for this year at least. I'm not sure how eager Glenn would be to book Masterplan though, unless he's already heard the new album and decided he likes it.
It should be interesting in a couple of days. I have a feeling who it might be, but I won't divulge it for various reasons. Look forward to some announcment soon. Either the band accepts or back to square one.

Uhh Glenn already said he gave the band a deadline to the 5th to respond. So... you aren't saying much new =p