A little background music...


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
I teach an undergraduate molecular biology lab, and for today I thought that they needed some "background" music during their experiment. So, into the CD player my "Spreading..." disc went!!

Hell's Yeah...headbanging and DNA!! Woo Hoo! :headbang:
that's great!
and tomorrow you shall play WCFYA- you will be converting all those poor kids from limp biscuit to some decent metal. the revolution starts in the class room- ha hah i like it!
good on you...
Someone told me a story about how a history teacher he had in high school played Maiden's "Alexander The Great" to teach a lesson. In high school I tried to get my Brit lit teacher to play "The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner" but with no luck.
Hey remington......why wait? I ordered "WCFYA" after the latest set back in the US release date. I could wait no more. I ordered it from 101cd.com for $22.00 bucks. It shipped on Feb 24 and I got it 5 days later. It has "Safe Home" acoustic and "We're a Happy Family" as bonus tracks. Don't fucking wait!!! Order it. And then buy the US release when it comes out. I can't fucking stop listening to this!!! "Taking the Music Back", "Anyplace But Here", "SuperHero", "Nobody Knows Anything", "Cadillac Rock Box".........fuck it all kicks so much ass! Do yourself a favor and order it. You can have it almost two months early.

Damn......is it possible to be more of a fan than I was before??????????
In retrospect, it may be a clever idea to release
WCFYA in europe and japan first. Start a buzz over there first. Remember when Scott said that Europe leads the way?
I can assure you guys that the album does indeed kick a serious amount of backside get it, get it now. After a few listens safe home has really taken its hold on me its fuckin a and the acoustic version is tops too