A little help needed with a "raw" sounding track


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2013
Hey guys,

I'm a little stuck with my mix right now. It sounds alright but still lacks that smooth "professional" finish.


Any tips or ideas on how to get it more polished sounding on a budget?

Guitars: TSE X30 with Tube Screamer and Impulses
Bass: DI with TSE BOD
Drums: Steven Slate Platinum

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Hey I have some Equipment to make it more polished and mastered sounding. To be honest I don't think you have $1000's of dollars worth of equipment like I do lol. You can PM me if you like.
"How to become better at home recording? You don't! Let people with $1000 equipment deal with that audio stuff, kiddo!"
Thank you good sir, but I would rather decline your offer to compare our gear-swangdoodles on this platform!