A lot of Aussies here

Ethereal Sage

Mind Of Out Sight Of Out
Dec 30, 2001
In a cacoon
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I've noticed quite a few 'Aussies' in this forum. Are we Opeth-loving Aussies few and far between?
I've known personally of very few people anywhere (none here in Brisvegas) that even mention the band, until I entered this board. Is it the same in other parts of Oz, or do I just not get out enough?:D
Well im down in Tassie, but i know heaps of Opeth people. Ive converted most of my friends. ALL of them have heard Opeth and appreciate that they are brilliant (some obviously dont like the growls, while others are into different music styles altogether). And have met quite a few other people who like Opeth. Through my new band ive met a few other Opeth fans, and i was actually contacted out of a phone book for this band because the guy heard i was a good guitarist and liked Opeth. And one of my internet friends just had a boyfriend who was into Opeth (she wasnt into metal at all, so it was quite suprising when she told me). And ive seen Opeth t-shirts on people around here. Theres always at least 1 Opeth CD in our main CD stores (we only have shitty commercial stores here.. metal section is about 100 CDs max).

So yeh Opeth fans are definitely around if you look for them!
Thank-firetruckin'-God! I'm not alone!:D

As I think mentioned in an earlier thread, we should wear an identifing icon or something similar, or maybe a greeting..."I'm on my way to Blackwater Park.." maybe?:D

I guess that not being in the city every day mingling with the metal shirt-wearing citizens doesn't help much, but Opeth being what I would regard as an 'aquired taste', and not a 'mainstream' band, most people wouldn't know Opeth from a frog in a sock ;)

Luckily, I was introduced to this forum by the only other person I know who likes Opeth, my younger bro (Spike on this forum, I introduced him to them.) :D :D :D

I'm sure I'll find at least a few more sincere Opeth-lovers among the throng that will go to the Brisbane gig, if Opeth decide to head this way :eek:
I hope they come here, I am dying to see them.

Opeth, Nevermore, Dream Theater...

Alchemist are good!! ROAD TO UBAR is nuts. i love all that middle-eastern influence in the song. it's awesome.
Alchemist is good. The singer shits on Dani Filth, and the music style is great.

I'll listen to some now...

They use some amazing things in their music. Like digereedoo's, whistling, alsoughts of goodies...

Its very atmospheric.. really pulls you in..

Listening to Austral Spectrum now... I feel like I'm in a desert...

I'll see em at metal for the brain this year hopefully..

I love the guitar, the sliding, It's almost a country western influence, except it sounds amazing.

Also.. yay for australia.. not..

I'm in ballarat, a fucking hole, buit my 2 and only friends also love Opeth. We all bought a copy of BWP each.. instead of sharing one...
I must say, I don't know a great deal of people into Opeth...I live in sydney though so I'm sure there's plenty out there. I got into Opeth from an unlikely friend from Darwin years ago...and have taken an extremely keen interest since Orchid.
I know a few people into classical music who listen to Opeth...I guess because of the way alot of their songs are composed.

Anyway, seems to be plenty of Opeth, and metal in general, fans in Australia.

Fingers crossed these guys come to Oz.