A Lower Deep Studio Update


Sep 22, 2006
Greetings from the Deep!

Well we are finally putting the finishing touches on the recording phase of the new album. Next week we will send off the tracks to Chaz to begin mixing. As previously reported Chaz Najjar (formerly of Morrisound- Iced Earth, Circle II Circle, etc.) will be handling the mixing and production, and James Murphy (Death, Testament, etc.) will be mastering the disk.

The title of the new album will be "Black Marys". This title is taken from a series of novels by Greg Keyes. In the novels, Black Marys is used to refer to both vivid, realistic nightmares and to nightmarish unrealistic events in the waking realm. Thematically, all the songs on the new album deal with nightmare like situations in one way or other.

The song titles are now set:
Black Marys
The Narrow Way
Dead House Gates
The Maudlin Child
For Those Left Behind
Children of Cain
Facing the Demon

Cover art will be revealed in the next couple of weeks, and we hope to have samples of the songs up very soon.

To all our progpower friends in the Atlanta area, we will be at The 7 Venue with Halcyon Way and Eclipsed by Sanity on June 23rd. Hope to see everyone there. Thanks so much for all your support.

Yeah computer crap happens to everyone, it's unfortunate but it happens. I know Chaz felt incredibily bad about it, and atleast he is a stand up guy and is doing all he can to make it right. That's all you can do when crap like that happens. If I had a dime for every time something went wrong on stage with equipment or in the studio I'd be a very rich man. You should read some of the horror stories Andy Sneap tells about his f**k ups. All's well that end's well I guess and the HW disk will sound awesome I'm sure.
Yeah, as crushed as I was by that happening - because we spent about 60 hours in the studio, head down, a few weeks ago - Chaz totally did everything he could possibly to do make it right and try to recover the data. So I can't hold it against him. Plus, I screw up in my job and have to hope that when/if it happens, my clients will understand if I make a good faith effort to make it right. Which Chaz totally, completely, did. He's gonna be here tomorrow to re-record the crap and will be staying with me until we wrap it up again. The thing that really blows about it is that it will be the ***6th*** time I've tracked rhythm guitars for the record. I'm so sick of the songs I can't see straight!!!!

1) pre-production.
2) For real, with live mics.
3) Recorded DI per James' request.
4) Had to fix via punch ins some poorly intonated sections.
5) #4 not good enough....just started over and tracked with Chaz.
6) Hopefully 6th time is the charm.....

Oh well....this CD is gonna really be insane when we're done with it, between the mix we're going to get and the cool guest appearances. Not to mention the songs are good.

Definitely looking forward to finally hooking up live in June!!!!!
Brother, I can totally relate. Ask me about our first album horrors recording with the hillbillies from hell, great fun that was. But every album has had it's woes, so long as it turns out well in the end I guess it's worth it. Can't wait to hear your new album!