A man of iron I have grown.

Dec 27, 2004
I have paced these forests for so long I don't know if I am man or I am beast.
I, though, hold deep within me a quest for revenge.
Then I must be a man as much as I can be.

I have learned to speak the tongue of the animal
I have learned to read the signs in bark and snow.
I have taken within myself the spirits of my fathers,
long time gone.
In this short time, far from home, a man of Iron I've grown.
A man of Iron I have grown.

A part of the Eternal Woods...
Late evening...

This song has more meaning now then it ever has before.

Ask Questions.
I'm exhausted.
Graduated today, just got home.

Semper fi.
Well I can turn someones face into pink mist from 5 football fields away with iron sites, so that's pretty rad.
My bro graduated from AF and he didnt get to go home. Whats with the Marines and being able to go home? ;)
He gets 10 days before he has to go and start his MOS training. Congratulations, Tully! Any stories to tell? Any pictures?
Hey dudes.

It happened on the 10th training day in the company next to ours, we where on training day 50-something. All I could think was, 'Man, I wish I could have told that poor fuck that it may seem that bad at first, but you will adapt.' Oh well.