A Mathematician's Lament

Paragraph 1: The 'art' in mathematics comes in connecting ideas to create much more than you started with. The music you listen to probably attracts you because of interesting symmetries and patterns, but even the best of music (or painting, or sculpture, or interpretive dance, or [insert other non-mathematical nonsense here]) will inevitably pale in comparison to even elementary abstract algebra, where symmetry is studied in its purest possible forms. It's helpful to have some understanding of mathematical 'elegance' - a proof that is clear, concise, and shows a deep connection between two ideas (rather than just proving their equivalence) is itself a thing of beauty. The ancient Greek proofs of the infinitude of primes or the irrationality of the square root of 2 are elementary and elegant; for examples of inelegant proofs, check your high school texts.

It's damned near impossible to understand without experience - without the big light-bulb moments and such nonsense - because mathematics is something that has to be *done*, not watched. It'll happen, though.

Paragraph 2: It's a common fault of *everything* before college, as far as I can tell, to put definitions in front of intuition and necessity. Imaginary numbers, for example, popped up in a few places - the biggest of these was solutions to polynomial equations. There are irreducible polynomials of degree 2 in the reals, for example (x^2+1 being the most obvious), but it was discovered that allowing such 'imaginary' nonsense to be regarded led to solutions to very complicated polynomials. The only irreducible (not factorable, in other words) polynomials in the complex numbers are the linear functions, which leads to a great deal of simplification when dealing with polynomials. Since all we needed to 'complete' the real numbers was introduction of some weird symbol 'i' (with addition and multiplication of combinations a+bi defined as you've seen), we quite like it.

Think of it like this... you can already see the graph. You can already see how complex addition works, and hopefully how complex multiplication looks (most helpful: look at the numbers in terms of their magnitude and the angle they make with the positive x-axis; complex multiplication of two numbers is simply adding the angles and multiplying the magnitudes), so the complex numbers behave very interestingly... they can be visualized easily *and* they're 'structured' enough to allow for something that works just as multiplication. Further, the complex plane includes the real line that you're already (hopefully) happy with. The most clear reason to care, really, is that the complex plane is an extension of the real numbers that allows polynomials to be reduced to products of linear functions.

Other useful things they brought about take more advanced knowledge. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, for example (discovered by Gauss when he was 20 or 21... the fucker), was unproven until advances in complex analysis made it seem all but trivial - for millenia the brightest people in the world were stumped, but a few new ideas pop up and all of a sudden algebra has a Fundamental Theorem that can be understood by middle-school students and proven by bright high-school students.

Paragraph 3: Same thing here - I no longer tutor regularly (in fact, I have a hard time *not* thinking that contributing to high school bullshit is a crime against all things beautiful in the universe) but I saw that happen myself. Definitions are put before motivation, so the students might as well not listen - it could be robbing them of real understanding later in life, and it certainly isn't bringing anything but rudimentary equation-matching abilities for all but a few lucky bastards. I wouldn't be anywhere right now if I didn't learn that stuff on my own, with a good text and actual motivation, so even thinking about robbing one younger incarnation of myself of real mathematics is just disgusting.

Paragraph 4: No projectile motion or physics in math classes - generally, algebra-based physics is given *before calculus* (yeah, skullfuckingly brilliant idea there) and only equations to memorize are really present. I didn't see imaginary numbers in my 'Algebra II' class, but it may have been elsewhere - in my third and fourth years, I took classes at a proper university, so I don't know what happened in my math classes. At the school I tutored some people had a basic understanding, but rarely anything remotely resembling a clue - they got bogged down by things to memorize and never saw the meaning of anything.

Just found the pdf lying around in my hard drive and read it. After reading it, much of the things the guy is lamenting about are done just like he wishes them to be done in Finnish and Swedish mathematic lessons (at least in the courses I have taken in the past 18 years). Every time we are introduced to a new subject, the teachers first ask what we know or think we know about the subject and invites us to tell him/her, then he presents his/her own opinion, and then compares the things against the technical form, and then gives us a task to try to solve some problem by ourselves first. Very rarely are we simply said: "This is the formula, memorize it." Maybe that's one explanation why Finnish and Swedish students consistently rank up in the top 5 in all those PISA mathematics tests, along with the lack of quality differences in education/teachers between different schools (ie. there are no "better"/"worse" schools).
I really, really suck at mental math, i.e. adding numbers in my head. It takes me forever, but I always get the right answer. Considering the fact that I am a junior in applied mathematics, people find this especially hilarious.

It's always something like: "If it takes you forever to subtract 67 from 42, how are you ANY good at math?! Aren't you a math major?"

And I reply, with as much sarcasm as I can muster, "Yes, you idiot. I am a math major, and we spend all day adding numbers and memorizing multiplication tables. Because that's exactly what math is."

But really, I can't blame them. It's not their fault that they have this misconception.

This complaint is nothing new, however. Let's not forget the stories of New Math, where elementary-school kids were taught set theory and other foundational subjects in order to help build mathematical intuition. When parents heard their kids were learning intersections and unions of sets and not arithmetic they freaked out. Kids knew axioms of the real numbers but not how to add 4 and 8. Ha!

It was a bad idea in the first place. While those foundational subjects and logic do form the basis of math, they are incredibly deep subjects and no elementary-school kid would be able to comprehend what was REALLY going on.

I take issue with this "Rennaissance man" education, where EVERYBODY must study EVERYTHING. Apparently this is supposed to be some Utopian world where everybody is conversant in math, art, history, poetry, etc. Bullshit. Everybody's different. I say let people embrace their own interests and quit trying to shove stuff down their throats. These kids say they'll never use the quadratic formula in their lives, and for the most part, they're right. While we do live in a world that is dominated by math (our technology IS math), that doesn't mean everybody has to study it for 12 years.

I do want to point one last thing out: this fuck-up in the education system is not unique to grade-school. I tutor mathematics at my university, so I've seen this first hand. Students can make it through the calculus sequence (tangent lines all the way through partial derivatives, etc.) with all As and still not know what the formal definition of a limit is. That, apparently, is reserved for our introductory real analysis course. So, people will come out of the calculus sequence thinking they know everything there is to know about calculus, when really, they don't know a thing. Calculus -- such a stunningly beautiful subject -- is reduced to dumb-ass formula memorization. That's really a good education. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, and math IS art! Bah! :)
The bigger problem with New Math was that plenty of the resources were terrible or outright *wrong*... but I completely disagree with the assertion that mathematics shouldn't be studied by everyone. It's the *only* chance at a real education in critical thinking and logic that students will have, and we simply cannot lose that - if we're not going to teach reasoning and thinking at higher levels than blind recitation, there's no point at all to having an educational system. If you don't have mathematics in your education, you don't have an education - end of discussion.

I am willing to bet that a large majority of high-school graduates would be hard pressed to give an example of where "logic" and "reasoning" popped up in their mathematics studies. Even if they were enrolled in a proof-based high school geometry class (where logic is used explicitly), some people will be completely oblivious to what exactly is really going on.

On a more advanced level, the underlying logic that is used in and taught through mathematics is in such an abstract form that only the most interested/talented student would realize that the same rules of logic can be applied to philosophy, politics, or debate. Or the converse: that the rules of philosophical logic can be applied to mathematics.

I am not arguing over mathematics' complexity or richness, nor its benefits for one's intellect. Furthermore, I do agree that mathematics and critical thinking should be taught to younger kids. But some of the classes that high school and college kids are required to take I find suspect. Here's why:

Either 1) these classes are just rote-memorization, or 2) actually emphasize the real ideas. If (1) is the case, then the class isn't worth a damn. Memorizing does not equal learning. If (2), then half the damn class is gonna fail and only the people who are interested and "get it" will pass. So, for an average person who is impartial to math, they're screwed either way. Either they take the easy class and learn a few mindless formulas (that they'll soon forget), or take the theoretical class and fail when they realize how much effort and time a real theory-based math class requires. So what's the benefit to making them take these classes?

Every serious student of a subject thinks theirs is the most important. I could list every positive reason a person should study math, and I'd have a pretty strong argument. But then again, so could a literature major. Or a history major. Or hell, even a political science major.

Hence, I think there's a bit of subjectivity involved here. ID'ing one subject as more important than the other -- or a step further, calling mathematics the most important -- is a tough call to make.

I think there is an even deeper, more fundamental problem: an anti-intellectualism that pervades our pop-culture.

Anywho, good discussion. It's fun to hash this over with somebody.
I did say 'chance at', not 'class in' - I agree that high-school graduates are generally missing that, but they shouldn't be. That's the biggest problem seen by those who view mathematics in terms of its applications. Unfortunately, geometry may be the worst offender in the curriculum, as their 'proofs' are as useful to those who want to do logical work as a cooking class would be to someone who wanted to be an officer in the military - sure, they have recipes that *sort of* indicate what rules are to be followed, but the entirety of the mindset, motivation, and drive is missing.

The second line is problematic, because 'philosophical logic' is mathematics (recall that philosophy comes in two flavors - 'mathematics' and 'bullshit') when done right. Also, when you're bringing up the problem of students never having to use what they learn in math classes, you're shooting yourself in the foot if you expect the solution to be anything that doesn't require knowing how to use knowledge - the reasoning necessary for philosophy, politics, and debate follow from mathematical exposure to logic immediately when mathematical logic is taught right. Mathematicians generally don't need help balancing their checkbooks, and in the same way logicians don't often need specific details on how to make political arguments; a well-taught class that covers fundamental principles well is more than sufficient for those who want to apply something, and a class that doesn't prepare someone to use what they've learned is in no sense well-taught.

The applications of mathematics are among the last reasons I'd give to teach mathematics, but if a student doesn't know how to take what he has learned in a class he passed and use it in a way not resembling regurgitation onto a worksheet, either the student or the teacher (arguably both, in fact) has failed miserably. This is why I can't stand seeing people taking dumbed-down business math classes - so much time is *wasted* on trivial consequences of simple facts that only a few basic recipes are known and extension of the material is beyond the grasp of the students, but less time spent on the fundamental principles would still result in the same applications following directly - and many more that couldn't be covered in class. Why take a class on balancing your checkbook when learning addition is necessary and sufficient anyway?

I do agree that memorization-based classes are bullshit. I *strongly* disagree on what you say about classes that emphasize the real ideas and the massive failure rate that surely must follow from such an approach. It is dead flat wrong, period, end of discussion - I personally take that approach with *developmental algebra* classes, and have higher-than-average pass rates and common exam scores, any university college algebra course worth half a pint of piss takes that approach, and if someone does fail that class then *they need it*. Failure isn't bad because people's GPAs drop, failure is bad because nobody wants to own up to being incompetent and taking advantage of an opportunity to improve. A well-taught theory-based class hardly needs to be difficult - if it's taught right, everything flows naturally thanks to the fact that humans have the ability to *think*. After all, this argument is about how to fix education so that classes of this sort are taught right, so this one is done.

I think that argument actually qualifies as a sort of arrogance - if someone can't reason their way through a well-taught algebra course, despite putting in effort and seeking help, there is no explanation other than a disability of some sort. If anything is shared by all humans, it is the ability to reason; if anything separates us from all other animals, it is the ability to reason at a level orders of magnitude above them. If someone 'just can't do math', the only explanation is a disability of some sort. The fact that high school mathematics is a miserable failure of unimaginable proportions aside, if someone can't think they are flagged as mentally disabled - this mindset, the "some just can't do math" mindset, needs to die in a fire immediately since it is unfounded and positively harmful. The myth of the "math people" will be seen about as favorably as the ideas that brought about witch trials when we finally snap out of our collective fear of thinking.

History, political science, sociology, underwater basket-weaving, and literature are not necessary for a mathematician. Useful, but not necessary. All of those fields, though, require some critical thinking - mathematics only depends on reasoning, and every other field worth a shit needs reasoning on top of many other things. Mathematics is universal and necessary, and does not depend on other fields - for this reason it is at least the most fundamental. Whatever your measure of importance is, the necessity of mathematics is unquestionable. Further, as some dead physicist said, "All science is either mathematics or stamp-collecting" - if you're concerned about development, scientific progress, or just about anything else that measurably improves the state of the world you cannot get a bigger return on your investment than mathematics. Yes, there's subjectivity... but not that much.

The fundamental problem goes past our pop-culture - it's not a 'pop' thing, it's a combination of laziness and sinister machinations. Governments, businesses, and churches don't benefit much from a thinking society - they all (churches excluded, perhaps) want a few smart people in *their* offices and that's all they need; people don't think they benefit much from mathematical ability because of a sense of entitlement, and find it easier to be closed-minded twits than educated thinkers. The whole culture is somehow to blame - nonmathematicians for not thinking enough, mathematicians for not getting pissed and screaming enough.

Just about anyone graduating from high school in this time period will wind up either using some form of mathematical thinking in their job or seeing themselves replaced by robots. We are no longer in a time when we can rely on unskilled labor as a backup if triple-majoring in literature, sociology, and cultural anthropology doesn't get us elected Jesus.

No worries. I enjoy talking to somebody who can offer a decent, respectable opinion.

I have always wanted to avoid the charge of arrogance. There is not a trait that is more disgusting then it. I deeply despise people who would like YOU to know exactly how smart THEY are. I sincerely regret that that is how you perceive me.

You make a convincing argument, which I knew you would be able to. As a mathematician, it is not hard to list all the reasons one should study math. However, as I alluded to with my comment on anti-intellectualism, I believe the major obstacle is people not giving a damn.

I will use myself as an example. How I arrived in my current situation is somewhat of a head scratcher. I nearly failed out of high school, I even had to leave my first high school after two years to go to a remedial school. It wasn't that I was dumb or didn't get it, it was just that I didn't care and I didn't respect education. You know, I was 17 years old and had the world all figured out (that old chestnut). If you would have told me then that in 6 years I'd be studying mathematics with the intent to become a professional mathematician, I would have laughed in your face.

I could have been in a math class with the finest lecturer in the world and I still wouldn't have given a damn. In the end it was not some profound argument expounding on math's great power and benefits that shook me out of my dumbassness, it was REAL life. I realized life was hard. :waah: Fortunately, I was still young enough that my parents decided that they'd still help me get through college, even after everything I put them through.

Now, you may say, "John, you're committing the fallacy of insufficient sample. You're using YOUR personal experience as the main premise for a general argument!" But really, anybody who has been through an American public high school knows that there are many, many kids who had my same attitude. That's a given. There's no arguing that point.

You don't learn anything if you don't care. How do we plan to overcome that? How do we get people to care about math? I think mathematicians have this idealized concept that if only we show people what math REALLY is, they'll love it, just like we do. I say bullshit. Some people will just never care, no matter how convincing ( and ultimately right ) your argument is. This is the way it has been, the way it is, and the way it will always be.

All we can hope for is reforming the system so that we offer the good kids some really nice courses, and if some of the too-cool-for-school kids hear something they like, then awesome! But we should not cater to them, thinking that if we say it just right, or present it just right, they'll take an interest! Us mathematicians can dream up the most stimulating, intriguing curriculum and we'd still lose a ton of people due to apathy. Which, like I said, is natural! We cannot hope for a 100% acceptance rate. That's a pie in the sky we'll never get.

Now, let me broaden the scope a little bit. The apathy and laziness that is so prevalent in modern mathematics education doesn't piss me off too much, it's more the shit attitude towards ANY education in general that really gets me. We are in full agreement here, every point you made in your second to last paragraph is spot on.

As to my point on theory-based courses killing students: at my school -- which is an engineering school, so nearly everybody has to take the calculus sequence -- all that is required for a minor in math is the first semester in our real analysis course. This is particularly appealing to all those engineers and they -- having had three courses in calculus and one in ODEs -- think that they'll breeze through analysis and come out with a cool math minor (and these are engineers, definitely NOT dumb people). Many in the class will drop it in a month or two. If you're talking about developmental algebra courses for pre-college kids (am I correct?), then I fear we're comparing apples and oranges. I have absolutely no experience with those types of classes, and you evidently have, so I will yield to you on that point.

We could probably list a million reasons why there is a such a high failure rate in our analysis course. Bad profs, bad preparation (big one!), etc. But I think it is way too easy to blame those things, rather then turn that critical eye towards the student (after all, we don't want to offend the guy who's tuition pays everybody's salary). I have never been of the philosophy that we should baby students; that is to say, a LARGE portion of the responsibility lies on the student's shoulders. Even with a very intimidating subject like analysis (it still scares the shit out of me), a little hard work on the student's part will really pay off. After having tutored for awhile, I really get tired of listening to students immediately throw their professor into the flames when they end up with a bad grade on an exam. It's never their own fault, it's always someone else.

But this laziness goes right back to the culture/society argument, which I fear is a much larger problem with a much more difficult solution. :erk:

Anyways. Please do not misconstrue any of my rantings to be the drivel of some holier-than-thou prick. I fully understand that everybody CAN learn decent math, I'm not that big of an asshole.

In the end, JBroll, I think we agree more then disagree in many ways.
No, I don't see *that* kind of arrogance - but to assume that some people can do math and others can't is either surrender (for those in the second category) or arrogance (for those in the first category) and, despite the fact that you are one of those icky 'applied' untouchables, you appear to be in the first category. The separation between 'math people' and all the others is inevitably either 'the separation between those with enough grey matter to function in society and those that don't' or 'an ego boost for the good kids and a comforting hug for those who don't', so approach any such implication carefully.

I don't plan to overcome the fact that some people just don't care. If things were in my hands, among the first rules to go would be mandatory education (at least at the high school level) - instead, people would basically get a coupon for a free education and come back when they figure out that unskilled labor sucks. There are ways of making people care - and some of them, like this, don't require the slightest bit of effort out of the schools themselves.

How many lead-up classes are in your real analysis track? That's often where things go wrong, as jumping into real analysis without the prereqs is a nightmare. I agree on not babying the students, and one of the biggest things students need is an idea of what an F really means.

Your 'applied' handicap aside, we do agree far more often than not.

Oh, now you've gone and done it. I thought we were on track towards reconciling our disagreements when you go and pull the "applied" card. That's all right, our math actually matters where the pure guys just piddle around with glorified, pretentious brain teasers. Ha!

But seriously, I ended up in an applied program because there is no pure program at my school ( we ARE an engineer's school ). With my shit GPA from high school and horrible transcripts I was lucky that I even got into this school in the first place. I was initially at odds with the program since I was really interested in the pure subjects and was worried that I wasn't going to get some of the "cool" subjects like topology, diff. geometry, high-powered algebra (I'll only get one semester of an intro abstract algebra course), etc. I then realized that I loved calculus, which translated to DEs -- which is a huge topic in applied circles. I am now looking forward to my dynamical systems class more than anything.

I was incredibly, incredibly disappointed with the calculus offerings at my school (they cater to the engineers, for whom calculus is nothing but a tool. translation: NO theory). Since then I have self-studied Michael Spivak's Calculus in depth, which is apparently praised highly in the math world and, by Spivak's own admission, takes many cues from Rudin's Foundations of Analysis. I've also been through an ODE class and a pretty stout linear algebra class where we used Strang's text. I also went through a discrete math course where I found that I loved proof-writing and symbolic logic. When they told me I can write upside down As and backwards Es I knew I was in the right place. Finally, I self-studied a book that covered foundational subjects: more proof techniques, set theory, basic number theory, etc.

I'm also a physics minor. All I've had was an intro mechanics course and an intro special relativity course. I'll be taking E&M, thermo, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics later on.

So, what's your background? Grad? Undergrad?