A Matter of Life & Death


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Just got it.

Gimme a few listens to give a verdict.

UP THE IRONS :headbang:
i like it a lot and i must be out of the loop as to what good music is because i've read a few people slagging it pretty good. the complaint is the same every time "it's alright but, it's no (insert album from mid 80's here)". to me the last 3 songs alone on this album (lord of light, for the greater good of god and legacy) destroy anything they've done since those albums. they said this is the album that they have always wanted to make and i think since the reunion this is the one i had been waiting for.
2 listens. Its Maiden. Says it all.

Nothing new but man they do it so well.

For any Maiden fan - this is a no brainer. Get it. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg is brilliant.

aliasp said:
2 listens. Its Maiden. Says it all.

Nothing new but man they do it so well.

For any Maiden fan - this is a no brainer. Get it. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg is brilliant.


Benjamin Breeg is one of my faves but after giving the new album a few listens i dont think its as good as BNW and DOD, i need to give it a few more listens i think cause theres a lot of music here on this one...even more so than the last two albums.
Yer two songs are 9 mins long ... and most average around the 6-7 min mark... shortest song is 5.30 mins.

Like most Maiden albums though they are growers. Give them a few listens and the songs become better and better.
aliasp - Thanks for the review. I was kind of wavering on whether to buy it or wait and burn a friends. I think I may go out and get it now.
need to give it a few more listens i think cause theres a lot of music here on this one...even more so than the last two albums

there is "a lot" of music here. i think songs like nomad off bnw and paschendale off dod were warm ups to the way this album was written. i've always liked prog rock so the length of the songs dosn't both me. if maiden was a punk band i'd be suprised but it's maiden so long songs are not uncommon. it's just that they are all long songs this time.
Good album, but not a great album. Long songs are great when done well, but can also be boring if there isn't enough in them to grab you, and after a few listens, there still isn't anything that grabbed me on this one.

IMO this isn't as good as BNW or DOD, and if you're looking for a great new album with Bruce Dickinson's vocals but can only afford one, I'd say buy his solo album from last year (Tyranny of Souls) instead of this one.

I got 3 albums around the same time: A Matter of Life or Death, Motorhead's "Kiss of Death", and Rhino Bucket's "And Then It Got Ugly". Figuring I'd be listening to Iron Maiden the most, I put it in the #1 position in my car, and to be honest, I look forward to it being over so I can get to these other albums, which so far I've liked better.

Again, I'm not saying this is a bad album (I don't think Iron Maiden has ever put out a bad album), and while I wasn't expecting Number of the Beast Part 2, I think I was expecting more than this and didn't get it.
It came in the post today and I gave it a listen to this evening. First impressions were ok but I will listen to it the whole of next week whilst driving to and from work
Come on, seriously put off you maiden fanboy glasses..... I think it's mediocre at best, pretty boring at times. OK I am not the biggest Maiden fan around but I really appreciate some of their songs. It's mindblowing how maiden almost like Metallica can release anything and everybody agrees it's killer stuff. The prduction on the new disc is great though.
Spacebeer (firstly thats such a funny username - always makes me laugh) I seriously took off my fanboy glasses and tried to be unbiased but like all Maiden albums (even Anthrax ones) they are all growers. I have given AMOLAD a few listens now and I can honestly say I can't stop listening to it.

It's Maiden.

It's nothing new from them but mate this is great.
I'm about 4 spins into it know, and I must say, the best description I csn come up with is E-P-I-C!!!.........There is a fuckin' huge amount of music here and it's an intense ride for sure but fuckin well worth the effort!
Does anyone remember just sitting in your room with the headphones on. Reading the linear notes and staring at the killer Art work on a record Sleeve?
This is what this release is all about, not instant gratifaction quick fix throw away music!
Or am I just an old crusty jaded Music lover (probably)?
