A Message From DDP (the band)!!!

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
Hey you all,

What's up? We're busy getting geared up for our shows. We're rehearsing every night, getting our shit together, and it's sounding KILLER!!!

We can't wait to get out there and play for you guys (and girls)!!! Right now we're practicing every song on the album and a bunch of covers, too. Maybe we'll play one or two surprises from the past, who knows...

Also, we've been getting a lot of questions from people wanting to buy the new album. Well, rest assured, we'll be bringing plenty of CDs to the shows, both in California and in Europe. In the meantime you can still order it through the official website: http://www.dublindeathpatrol.com, but if you're going to be at one of the shows, it might be easier to pick it up right there!

Only a little while 'til DDP will wreck your town. See you at the shows!!!

DDP 4 Life,

Dublin Death Patrol :rock:
Thanks for all your efforts to make this happen - I've been blessed with great friends that are very talented! My humble appreciation is no less than my admiration - I've come full circle back to my roots and you guys have been a driving force - thanks for letting some of my dreams come true, vicariously through you!!! I wish everyone of you the greatest of success, and hope that the World get's to know you as I do - some of the most decent, honest, caring, and hardest rockin' motha's on the planet!!
I hear ya Dublin4Life82 - I'm so jazzed about this, I'd open my home to let people visit in order to see a show. If I'm reading your name correctly you were DHS '82? I was '83 (Eric Jones), so we probably know each other - ya know that small little town thingy....
I hear ya Dublin4Life82 - I'm so jazzed about this, I'd open my home to let people visit in order to see a show. If I'm reading your name correctly you were DHS '82? I was '83 (Eric Jones), so we probably know each other - ya know that small little town thingy....

Yeah DHS 82 Ward Quayle
Ahaaaa... see what a small world? I do remember you Dublin4Life82. Hopefully something works out for the East Coast - I know they want it, but this thing is funny - it was just a lil jamming with buds at first, then let's get it on a CD, then OMG this fuckin' rox let's go for it! The guyz are doing all they can while making every bit of it fun (well someone is footing the bill, so I'm sure some anxieties exist, but I'd bet well worth them). Keep in touch!
Hey DDP men !
Glad you put this CD together, I'm having a great time everythime I listen to it !!
Too bad I'm so far away from any touring city... I would have loved to see you on stage !!
Keep on thrashing !
Absolutely wicked album guys, Much thanks for sending the CD and shirt down to New Zealand, in double quick time too! Hope the shows go off the hook, would be great to see you downunder but I know it is a long way.