A message from Jonno

Nov 15, 2004
Hey guys

John here, just to say a massive thanks for the words of support you posted on this forum the Biomechanical MySpace page and for your messages.

It has been a very hard time not only for me but also for Biomechanical's newest member Jonno who had no idea weather this band would go on. Thankfully things are now moving forward and we are looking forward to getting the rest of the band together and see you guys on the road.

Here is a message from Jonno:

"As many of you will know I have just joined British Prog metallers BIOMECHANICAL.

I have to say after seeing the band on tour earlier this year and checking out the material I am most honoured to have been asked to play.

After meeting the guys at Nottingham Rock City in March it saddens me that there have been line up changes. The guys were great and Matt C put on an amazing performance and was a genuinely sound dude. He will be a hard act to follow. I wish him, Jamie Hunt, Chris Webb and John Collins the best for the future.

After recent meetings with John K and producer Chris Tsangarides I have heard much of the material from the new album and I am pleased to say that I am very much looking forward to getting out there and touring once the new line-up is complete.

I'm the type of guy who likes to look to the future and with that, I'll end this release by saying keep it heavy guys and I'll see you on the road soon!


Looking forward to seeing you in action, Jonno !

Get yo biomechanical butts across the channel once the line-up is complete when you get a chance. Paris is nice this time of the year. /\oO/\...
:rock: :rock: :rock:

May check out Jonno's Thin Lizzy Experience when they come to Ireland here soon. Would be cool to check out. Will compare his performance between Lizzy Experience & Biomech when you guys start touring again. :lol:

Anyway can't wait to read the new line up. As always, keep up the good work, and keep it metal!
Hi Jonno I'll be looking forward to hear you play with Biomechanical, especially the new stuff:Spin: