A Metal Musician's Guide to Pre Production

Printed it already yesterday. gold man. gold!

And while we're at it it's also a subject that is highly underrated in the forum IMO
Thanks! Great read..
Though now I'm worried that my gear won't do the trick..
Especially my bass-guitar.. but I can't afford anything better..
Guys, yes I was looking for opinions to see if I need to update anything but its currently in the public domain so you can pass it out if you like. ForHerDeadEyes, can you borrow a bass? I dont own a good enough one for my own music either, I borrow one. For the last Vile album I borrowed an American made Fender Precision 5 with active pickups from Jack Gibson. A beast of a bass for sure.

what is there is good. but there should be more mention of arrangements/song writing which is crucial. i'd also include recommendations for bands to do demo's of the songs they intend to record before any proper sessions take place, even if they are really rough. ideally its good to be at a few practice sessions with the band and get them inspired and thinking about arrangements. can also get them practicing the songs until everything is as tight as it needs to be prior to recording.

for metal id recommend a sansamp for bass pretty much every time (or at least to have the option of it). classic guitars like les pauls, telecasters, strats etc always seem to have their uses, as do "vintage" amps, even if they arent for the main parts.

id also include things on drum hardware, stable stands and adequate felts for cymbals are really important and make a difference. wobbly stands=phasey. cymbals clanking horizontally against metal stands=piercing noise.
Ed, thanks for the feedback! I will make a few adjustments accordingly. I think its a good idea for me to point out what you said about demoing the songs before recording although I did discuss it in the chapter on band practice and the chapter on recording at home. I think Ill just point that out again more clearly in there somewhere. And I may just add some stuff on drum hardware too - you're right about felts and stands. That's the kind of feedback I was looking for. Cheers. :)

ForHerDeadEyes, can you borrow a bass? I dont own a good enough one for my own music either, I borrow one. For the last Vile album I borrowed an American made Fender Precision 5 with active pickups from Jack Gibson. A beast of a bass for sure.


Unfortunatly, I can't..
I own a cheap 'Harley Benton Metall Bass' that I'm most worried about the intonation on, although some sort of auto-tuning will help somewhat..
Haven't switched strings on it yet, that might do the trick as well..
Next purchase is mics and speaker for a cab.. saving up for a new bass would take a few months..
I'll stop hogging your thread :D
I'll probably post clips in the feedback-section to get some.. input on how it sounds..
Again, good read!