A MIDI cable problem


It's shittay!
May 14, 2009
I encountered a weird problem when I was recording my band's demo many moons ago. We may be recording another song for it here soon, so I figure I might as well bring it up. I was using a MIDI/USB converter cable, and funky stuff happened when we wired it up to the Roland TD-9. The kick would double trigger frequently, and no amount of messing with settings could fix it. Upon giving up, and me telling him to "deal with it" (thankfully he isn't your typical drummer, in fact he's quite the opposite) we recorded the MIDI and when I loaded up the file, I saw some funky stuff.

And not the good type of funk. It was weird. There were all the hits, but in between them were these long MIDI notes that were under all the triggered hits. This is what caused the double triggering, I think, but I'm not sure what caused it. Do you all have any clue what it is? I really would not like to go through the several hours of editing to remove them all again.